Error Coding Driven Synthesis of Combinational Circuits from Unreliable Components

With the advent of nanoelectronics, the reliability of the forthcoming circuits and computation devices is becoming questionable. Indeed, due to huge increases in density integration, lower supply voltages, and variations in the technological process, MOS and emerging nanoelectronic devices will be inherently unreliable. As a consequence, the nanoscale integration of chips built out of unreliable components has emerged as one of the most critical challenges for the next-generation electronic circuit design. To make such nanoscale integration economically viable, new solutions for efficient and fault-tolerant data processing and storage must now be invented.

This post-doctoral position aims at investigating innovative fault-tolerant solutions, at both device- and system-level, that are fundamentally rooted in mathematical models, algorithms, and techniques of information and coding theory. Investigated solutions will build on specific error correcting codes, able to provide reliable error protection even if they themselves operate on unreliable hardware. The goal is to develop the scientific foundation and provide a first proof-of-concept, as an essential condition for bringing about a paradigm shift in the design of future nanoscale circuits.

Intégration CMOS à canal dual en technologie FDSOI : comparaison "enrichissement en Ge" vs. "Epitaxie localisée"

LETI is a major laboratory in the european microelectronics research, especially in the thin film FDSOI research (Fully Depleted). We propose innovative solutions for the next ITRS roadmap generations (sub 22nm), such as the integration of ultrathin Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) layers in the channel of p type transistors (in order to increase the hole mobility, and to adjust the threshold voltage of pMOSFETs).

The first results show significative gains for hole mobilityy and Vth,p tunning (C. Le Royer et al. ESSDERC 2010, IEDM 2011) but also for basic circuits (L. Hutin et al. IEDM 2010).

In order to further improve the Fully Depleted CMOS DualChannel integration, it is necessary to quantify in details the advantages and the possible drawbacks (form the process and from the electrical performance point of view). LETI wants to compare the two following approaches for SiGe based pMOSFETs (cointegrated with SOI nMOSFETs featuring 6nm body thickness):
.SiGe/SOI hetrostructures ("Localized SiGe epi" on SOI)
.SiGe-On-Insulator ("localized Ge enrichment" on SOI)
Other issues have also to be considered such as the initial substrate (SOI, sSOI) or the Ge content in the SiGe layer…
