Improving the signal-to-noise ratio for nuclear welds imaging by optimising material properties within their uncertainty range
The CEA is developing new advanced imaging algorithms for non-destructive testing (NDT), in particular for the inspection of nuclear welds. These parts are complex in terms of both their geometry and the description of their material properties. Lack of knowledge of these characteristics results in the production of images with a low signal-to-noise ratio, compromising defect detection and characterization. The aim is to build on previous work carried out in the lab, based on an adaptation of estimated material properties, in order to explore the limits of this approach and develop new tools that will enable this technology to be applied to a concrete industrial situation.
Digital correction of the health status of an electrical network
Cable faults are generally detected when communication is interrupted, resulting in significant repair costs and downtime. Additionally, data integrity becomes a major concern due to the increased threats of attacks and intrusions on electrical networks, which can disrupt communication. Being able to distinguish between disruptions caused by the degradation of the physical layer of an electrical network and an ongoing attack on the energy network will help guide decision-making regarding corrective operations, particularly network reconfiguration and predictive maintenance, to ensure network resilience. This study proposes to investigate the relationship between incipient faults in cables and their impact on data integrity in the context of Power Line Communication (PLC). The work will be based on deploying instrumentation using electrical reflectometry, combining distributed sensors and AI algorithms for online diagnosis of incipient faults in electrical networks. In the presence of certain faults, advanced AI methods will be applied to correct the state of the health of the electrical network's physical layer, thereby ensuring its reliability.
Calibration of the high dose rate flash therapy beam monitor of the IRAMIS facility
Ultra-flash beams are pulsed beams of high-energy electrons (over a hundred MeV) with pulse durations in the femto-second range. The IRAMIS facility (CEA Saclay) uses laser acceleration to produce this type of beam, with a view to their application in radiotherapy. The LNHB is in charge of establishing dosimetric traceability for the IRAMIS facility, and to do this it has to calibrate the facility's monitor. Current radiotherapy facilities are based on medical linear accelerators operating at energies of up to 18 MeV in electron mode. LNHB has such equipment. It is used to establish national references in terms of absorbed dose to water, under the conditions of the IAEA protocol TRS 398.
Establishing dosimetric traceability involves choosing the measurement conditions, knowing the transfer dosimeter characteristics used and any corrections to be applied to the measurements taking into account the differences between the IRAMIS Facility and those of LNHB.
Optimization of a metrological approach to radionuclide identification based on spectral unmixing
The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for French references in the field of ionizing radiations. For several years now, it has been involved in the development of an automatic analysis tool for low-statistics gamma spectra, based on the spectral unmixing technique. This approach makes it possible to respond to metrological constraints such as robust decision-making and unbiased estimation of counts associated with identified radionuclides. To extend this technique to field measurements, and in particular to the deformation of spectra due to interactions in the environment of a radioactive source, a hybrid spectral unmixing model combining statistical and automatic learning methods is currently being developed. The aim of this mathematical solution is to implement a joint estimation of the spectra measured and the counts associated with the radionuclides identified. The next step will be to quantify the uncertainties of the quantities estimated from the hybrid model. The aim is also to investigate the technique of spectral unmixing in the case of neutron detection with a NaIL detector. The future candidate will contribute to these various studies in collaboration with the Laboratoire d'ingénierie logicielle pour les applications scientifiques (CEA/DRF).
Development of Algorithms for the Detection and Quantification of Biomarkers from Voltammograms
The objective of the post-doctoral research is to develop a high-performance algorithmic and software solution for the detection and quantification of biomarkers of interest from voltammograms. These voltammograms are one-dimensional signals obtained from innovative electrochemical sensors. The study will be carried out in close collaboration with another laboratory at CEA-LIST, the LIST/DIN/SIMRI/LCIM, which will provide dedicated and innovative electrochemical sensors, as well as with the start-up USENSE, which is developing a medical device for measuring multiple biomarkers in urine.
X-ray tomography reconstruction based on analytical methods and Deep-Learning
CEA-LIST develops the CIVA software platform, a reference for the simulation of non-destructive testing processes. In particular, it proposes tools for X-ray and tomographic inspection, which allow, for a given tomographic testing, to simulate all the radiographic projections (or sinogram) taking into account various associated physical phenomena, as well as the corresponding tomographic reconstruction.
The proposed work is part of the laboratory's contribution to a European project on tomographic testing of freight containers with inspection systems using high-energy sources. The spatial constraints of the projection acquisition stage (the trucks carrying the containers pass through an inspection gantry) imply an adaptation of the geometry of the source/detector system and consequently of the corresponding reconstruction algorithm. Moreover, the system can only generate a reduced number of projections, which makes the problem ill-posed in the context of inversion.
The expected contributions concern two distinct aspects of the reconstruction methodology from the acquired data. On the one hand, it is a question of adapting the analytical reconstruction methods to the specific acquisition geometry of this project, and on the other hand, to work on methods allowing to overcome the lack of information related to the limited number of radiographic projections. In this objective, supervised learning methods, more specifically by Deep-Learning, will be used both to complete the sinogram, and to reduce the reconstruction artifacts caused by the small number of projections available. A constraint of adequacy to the data and the acquisition system will also be introduced in order to generate physically coherent projections.
Development of a new spectrometer for the characterization of the radionuclide-based neutron sources
Since few years, the LNHB is developing a new instrument dedicated to the neutron spectrometry, called AQUASPEC. The experimental device consists of a polyethylene container that is equipped with a central channel accommodating the source and 12-measurement channels (in a spiral formation) around the source, into which detectors can be placed. The container is filled with water in order to moderate neutrons emitted from the source. Measurements have performed with 6Li-doped plastic scintillators, optimized for the simultaneous detection of fast neutrons, thermal neutrons and gamma rays through the signal processing based on pulse shape discrimination (PSD). The spectrum reconstruction is performed with an iterative ML-EM or MAP-EM algorithm, by unfolding experimental data through the detector's responses matrix calculated with MCNP6 code. The candidate will work in the general way on issues related to the neutron spectrometry in the laboratory: Contribution to the development and validation of the new spectrometer AQUASPEC; Participation to the sources measurements and working on aspects of neutron detection and signal processing, in particular issue of the discrimination of neutron/gamma based on the pulse shape discrimination technique (PSD); Usage of Monte Carlo simulation codes and algorithms to reconstruct initial neutron energy distribution; Investigation and integration of information related to neutron/gamma coincidence specific to the XBe type sources.
Eco-innovation of insulating materials by AI, for the design of a future cable that is long-lasting, resilient, bio-sourced and recyclable.
This topic is part of a larger upcoming project for the AI-powered creation of a new electrical cable for future nuclear power plants. The goal is to design cables with a much longer lifetime than existing cables in an eco-innovative approach.
The focus is on the cable insulation because it is the most critical component for the application and the most sensitive to aging. The current solution is based on adding additives (anti-rad and antioxidants) to the insulation to limit the effects of irradiation and delay aging as much as possible. However, there is another solution that has never been tested before: self-repairing materials.
The project to which this topic is attached aims to design and manufacture several test model of insulation specimens. With several test characterization protocols, in order to verify the gain in terms of reliability and resilience. The results obtained will begin to fill a future database for the AI platform Expressif, developed at CEA List, which will be used to design the future cable.
Contribution to the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals in the framework of the european AlphaMet project (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies)
The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for the french references in the field of ionizing radiation. The LNHB is involved in the european EPM AlphaMet (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies) submitted under the Metrology support for Health call (2022) to provide metrological support for clinical and preclinical studies; it began in September 2023 for a total duration of three years. The project comprises four Work Packages (WP) targeting different issues, with WP1 in particular dedicated to activity metrology and nuclear data measurements for imaging and dosimetry. This project aims at to improve the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals such as 211At, 212Pb/212Bi, 225Ac.
The candidate will participate in the various tasks defined as part of the European AlphaMet project in which the LNHB is involved. Radiation-matter simulations will be carried out to study the response of the laboratory's ionisation chambers in various situations concerning: (i) the evolution of the response during the in-growth of the ?-emitting progeny of 225Ac, (ii) the quantification of the influence of the 210At impurity in the case of the measurement of 211At, and (iii) the search for a long-lived radionuclide surrogate of 212Pb for the quality control of dose calibrators. The candidate will also be involved in setting up a new device aimed at improving the linearity of the measurement of half-life with an ionization chamber. During the post-doctoral stay at LNHB, the candidate will interact with the various partners in the AlphaMet project (activity metrology laboratories, hospitals, clinical study centres).
The initial duration of the post-doctorate is 12 months (renewable) at the Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel (CEA/Saclay). It is hoped to start in the first half of 2024.
Detection of traces of narcotics in saliva by electrochemiluminescence on diamond electrodes
The consumption of narcotics is becoming a problem for road safety because 23% of road deaths in France occur in an accident involving at least one driver who tested positive. Thus, one objective of road safety in consultation with the concerned ministries (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Economy) is to improve the fight against road insecurity linked to narcotics consumption. In particular, this involves increasing and facilitating roadside checks using a portable device dedicated to controlling the use of narcotics on the roadside, similar to what is already done for breathalyzer tests. Such a device is not commercially available today. The main prerequisites of this device will be to provide reliable, immediate confirmation results with evidentiary value for the courts as well as a purchase cost compatible with large-scale deployment on French road networks. In this context, the subject of study proposed aims to study the possible detection of traces of narcotics in saliva using electroluminescence on a boron-doped diamond electrode. This method is considered promising for such an application because it potentially allows extremely low detection thresholds to be reached and, in accordance with legislative requirements, offers multiple possibilities aimed at achieving high selectivity towards chemical targets, with a high detection capacity. miniaturization of equipment and a relatively low cost of apparatus compared to analytical tools such as mass spectrometer, IMS, etc.