Nonlinear ultrasonic testing for the assessment of adhesive bonding properties
The CEA-LIST carries out Non Destructive Testing (NDT) projects in partnership with various industrial sectors. A strong collaboration with Airbus Group Innovations (AGI) had led to a common entity through the NDT laboratory for Aeronautics Applications (LC2A).
With the increasing portion of composite materials in the aerospace industry, assessment of the adhesive bonding properties of such composite structures is a key issue. Various aspects could decrease the quality of bonding, such as the surface contamination, non-optimal thermal cycle or external mechanical stresses. However, conventional NDT techniques are often not sensible to such damages in the adhesive bonds.
Non-linear ultrasonic methods such as wave mixing, harmonic generation or non- linear imaging appear as promising techniques to detect kissing bonds and pre-damaging that could occur in adhesive bonds. The objective of this postdoc position is to develop NDT innovative solutions for the assessment of the adhesion quality by means of experimental techniques based on such non-linear methods.
This post-doc position will be carried out in the framework of an international research program on the adhesion bonding. The candidate will work in the NDE laboratory for Aeronautics Applications located in Toulouse. Strong skills in experimental physics, instrumentation, and non-linear ultrasonics would be appreciated.
Compressed Sensing for ultrasonic imaging: disruptive method development and prototyping
In non-destructive ultrasonic testing, multi-element sensors are used for the inspection of structures to ensure the safety of people and infrastructures. Currently, one of the driving factor of an ultrasonic method is the number of elements of the sensor, influencing the speed and efficiency of the inspection but also the cost and the volume of the equipment. This project aims at developing a prototype of a multi-element sensor with a limited number of elements compared to current state of the art equipment, without losing imaging resolution. To achieve this goal, Compressed Sensing (CS), a recent technique of signal processing allowing to go beyond the traditional sampling theorems and to reconstruct data from severely undersampled measurements, will be used. The ultrasonic inspection procedure will need to be entirely rethought to meet the CS requirements, specifically the sparsity of the measured data and the incoherence of the measurement process. The expected results is a significant reduction (of the order of 5) of the number of elements to conduct imaging, which would be a true revolution in NDT with direct applications in various industrials sectors.
The following laboratories, all located in Saclay (France) of the CEA (the French atomic commission), will participate to the project: the NDT department for its expertise in multi-element ultrasonic testing and Neurospin and Cosmostat for their expertises in the field of CS, mainly applied to medical RMI imaging and astrophysics, respectively. The collaboration between these three labs, each among the worldwide leading institutes in their respective fields, will ensure the creation of a new and disruptive family of sensors.
Automatic driving of a finite element software based upon a domain decomposition strategy. Application to ultrasonic non-destructive testing.
One the most important field of activity at the DISC (Department of Imaging and Simulation for Control) of CEA - LIST is to provide a comprehensive set of tools for modeling and simulation for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). These tools are gathered within the computational platform CIVA. Most of the ultrasound models -- elaborated by the LSMA (research laboratory for Simulation and Modeling in Acoustics) -- are based upon semi-analytical methods. Although very efficient, these methods suffer from a loss of precision as soon as some critical phenomena (e.g. head waves or caustics) or some particular features of the material (e.g. flaws or heterogeneities ) appear in the control experiment. To circumvent these limitations, one of the field of research in the LSMA is to build coupling schemes between semi-analytical and numerical methods. Following this strategy, a computational software based upon high-order finite elements combined with domain decomposition strategies is developped in order to address 3D configurations. The work proposed here focuses on increasing the complexity of the configurations reachable within this coupling strategy. A typical example being the fluid-structure interaction in the case of flaws reaching the bottom of the material to control.
Numerical Meta-modelization based study of the propagation of ultrasonic waves in piping system with corroded area
The aim of the ANR project PYRAMID ( is to develop some technics of detection and quantification of the wall thinning due to flow accelerated corrosion in piping system. In the framework of this project involving French and Japanese laboratories, CEA LIST develops new numerical tools based on finite elements dedicated to the modelling of an ultrasonic guided wave diffracted by the corrosion in an elbow pipe. These solutions support the design of an inspection process based on electromagnetic-acoustic transduction (EMAT). To this end, the ability of CEA LIST to adapt meta-modeling tools of its physical models will be the key asset to allow intensive use of the simulation.