Solid-electrolyte developpement
This post-doctorate position is a part of the ArgyL Carnot project which aims at developping better solid électrolytes for Li batteries. The main goal is to stabilize the Li/electrolyte interface in order to increase the lifetime of these systems that promise better Energy Density than the actual ones.
This project relies on the complementarity between the experimental approach based on the synthesis and on Advanced characterization and the computational simulations.
The post-doctorate will be based at the Materials laboratory where he will be in charge of synthesizing the new electrolyte compositions. He will also take part in the development of a new operando XPS analysis technique on our Nanocharaterization platform. This technique will allow him to probe in real time the interface between Li and electrolyte during cycling.
Finally, he will also interact with the LMPS simulation team who will use the data to feed their ab initio model.
Generative deep-learning modeling and machine-learning potentials for the calculation of atomic-scale transport properties in disordered uranium-plutonium mixed oxides
Machine learning (ML) is now commonly used in materials science to enhance the predictive capabilities of physical models. ML interatomic potentials (MLIP) trained on electronic-structure calculations have become standard tools for conducting efficient yet physically accurate molecular dynamics simulations. More recently, unsupervised generative ML models are being explored to learn hidden property distributions, and generate new atomic structures according to these distributions. This is useful for chemically disordered solid solutions, whose properties depend on the distribution of chemical species in the crystal lattice. In such cases, the number of possible configurations is so large that exhaustive sampling is beyond the capability of conventional methods. An example is U-Pu mixed oxides (MOX), a type of nuclear fuel that can significantly reduce the volume and radiotoxicity of spent-fuel waste. High-entropy alloys are another class of disordered materials that are promising candidates for radiation-resistant nuclear materials.
The goal is to combine MLIPs and generative methods to address atomic transport properties in MOX. The candidate will use in-house ML generative tools to generate representative atomic configurations and build an ab initio database. They will use this database to train a new MLIP for MOX, leveraging the experience gained from developing analogous MLIPs for the pure UO2 and PuO2 oxides. Finally, they will apply the MLIP to calculate atomic diffusion coefficients, crucial for predicting irradiation-induced microstructure evolution and in-reactor behavior.
The work will be conducted at the Nuclear Fuel Department (IRESNE, CEA Cadarache), within a scientific environment characterized by a high level of expertise in materials modelling, and in close collaboration with other CEA teams in the Paris region specialized in ML methods. Results will be disseminated through scientific publications and participation in international conferences
Simulation of surfaces and interfaces between halogenated perovskites and carrier transport layers.
Context: Halide perovskites are a very active field of research for their applications in photovoltaics (PV), light emitting devices, X-ray detectors, and more. The role of interfaces in the devices, especially in enhancing carrier extraction in solar cells, is crucial. Atomic scale modelling of bulk and surfaces of these
materials is challenging, because of their softness, associated with anharmonic behaviour and local atomic disorder (polymorphism), spin-orbit coupling and polar distortions. In spite of recent advances in describing polymorphism and anharmonic lattice dynamics in the bulk, studies of surface and interface properties are recent and still rare.
Description and duties: The work will focus on building predictive models of interfaces between pérovskites light absorbers and electron/holes transport layers (ETL/HTL) based on Density Functional Theory. Existing and new HTL/ETL materials will be investigated with a special focus on understanding passivation mechanisms, defects at the interface, their stability and kinetics. Development of machine learning potential is envisaged.
Optimal Design of Hybrid Solar Heat and Power Systems for Industrial Processes
Industrial processes use heat in the 50-1500°C temperature range, and heat accounts for around 70% of industrial energy consumption. Heat consumption in industry is generally classified into three temperature ranges: low (400°C), which can be addressed by different solar collector technologies. Concentrating solar technologies are needed to produce solar heat at T>150°C. The central issue of integrating solar heat into industrial processes is addressed in the SHIP4D project (PEPR SPLEEN programme). As part of this postdoc, the work will focus on the optimal design of hybrid solar systems for industrial processes. To this end, the PERSEE internal code will be developed to address the problems of optimally integrating solar thermal and photovoltaic technologies for the production of heat and electricity on industrial sites or parks.. The work will also serve as a basis for the European INDHEAP project (Optimal Solar Systems for Industrial Heat and Power), coordinated by the CEA, and started in January 2024.
Development of an innovative method for ultrasound imaging of velocity fields in flows behind opaque walls
Today, the only solutions on the market for measuring 2D velocity fields are laser-based optical methods (such as particle imaging velocimetry: PIV).
These are limited by the need for optical access to the flow and are therefore inapplicable on opaque fluids (such as liquid metals) or through opaque pipes (such as metal pipes, the majority in industry).
To overcome this limitation and meet new challenges (in research and industry) it is possible to rely on acoustic imaging methods.
The LISM (CEA Cadarache Instrumentation Laboratory) has been working for several years on the development of an industrial acoustic PIV (or echo-PIV) method.
An initial thesis has led to significant progress, and the CEA is now planning to market echo-PIV scanners through a start-up project.
However, there are still a number of hurdles to overcome, in particular that of imaging through walls with high acoustic impedance differences.
Your main objective will be to remove these obstacles. This mission will be structured as follows:
- Bibliographical study and familiarisation with the echo-PIV method
- Numerical study and development of a solution to resolve the problems of energy transmission through the metal wall
- Experimental validation of the detection of microscopic reflectors through a metal wall
- Numerical study and development of a solution to the problem of multiple reflection within the metal wall, leading to poor reconstruction of the final image
- Experimental validation of the solution to the reflection problem
- Adaptation of the acoustic imaging method to simultaneously resolve the transmission and reflection problems
- Publication in scientific journals (and/or patents)
Development of new Potassium-ion cells with high performances and low environmental impact
Lithium ion batteries are considered as the reference system in terms of energy density and cycle life and will play a key role in the energetic transition, especially concerning electric vehicles. However, such a technology involves the use of a large amount of critical elements and active materials are synthesised using energy intensive processes.
In this way, our team is developing a new Potassium-ion batteries technology with high performances but with a low environmental impact.
For this innovative and ambitious project, CEA-LITEN (one of the most important research institute in Europe) is looking for a talented post-doctoral researcher in material chemistry. The post-doctoral position is opened for a young researcher with a high scientific level, interested by valorising her/his results through different patents and/or scientific publications.
Simulation of reactive gas-liquid multi-phase flows
The objective of this postdoctoral position is to develop and implement a simulation method for the simulation of a
sodium spray fire. Two key points need to be adressed. First, one needs to propose a proper representation of the sodium
droplets (dispersed phase) from their generation by a jet (separate phase) fragmentation to their behavior (motion,
oxidation, combustion) in the air atmosphere. This requires to derive a flow model that accounts for multiple components
with multiple interface topology regimes (dispersed and separate). Second, one needs to develop a robust discretization
strategy for this complex flow model.
The numerical work will be implemented in a new numerical tool to perform simulations of sodium spray fires developed at CEA. This tool is based on the canoP. Canop is a library designed for solving computational fluid dynamics problems using a cell-based
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) approach and parallel calculation.
Advanced modeling of thermal turbulent flows
For several decades, numerical simulations in fluid mechanics have significantly contributed to the design and maintenance of industrial installations. Turbulence modeling, a key area at the intersection of research and industry, has seen substantial advancements in both LES and RANS approaches. Since the early 2010s, hybrid methods that combine RANS and LES techniques have emerged to leverage the advantages of each, necessitating proficiency in both modeling types. The TrioCFD code developed at STMF, although capable of handling these models, has not seen adequate investment in modern approaches. To incorporate hybrid models, it is essential to update and enhance the current models. The proposed task is to identify the most relevant models for industrial applications, restructure the software to accommodate these models, and validate their performance.
LITEN, strongly involved in electrolysis technologies, wishes to compare via a multi-criteria analysis all electrolysis technologies currently available commercially (AEL, PEMEL), in the pre-industrialization phase (SOEL), or in R&D (AEMEL and PCCEL).
Our previous studies were based on specific use cases (fixed hypotheses on the size of the factory, the source of electricity, the technology, etc.).
The objective of this new work is to be able to position the different electrolysis technologies according to parameters which will be defined at the start of the project, these parameters being of a contextual type (e.g. number of operating hours, expected flexibility), technical ( ex yield, lifespan) or technical-economic (ex CAPEX OPEX) and environmental (ex GHG impacts, materials). The aim here will be to develop an original methodology which makes it possible to define the areas of relevance of each of the electrolysis technologies according to these parameters, depending for example on the cost of the hydrogen produced and its environmental impact
Improvement and extension of a phase-field model for the 3D simulation of important phenomena in the behavior of lithium-ion batteries
In order to optimize the charging time of current-generation batteries, or increasing the power density for future generations, the study of the behavior of materials is crucial to master the lithiation mechanisms of intercalations materials. (e.g. graphite) or “stripping/plating” of lithium metal. In this context, the use of phase field numerical simulations is booming; these methods lend themselves to the modeling of dynamic phenomena for multiphase and multiconstituent systems.
Recently, a 2D phase field module from TrioCFD (open-source software developed at CEA and based on the TRUST platform) was generalized to an arbitrary number of constituents or phases. This post-doctoral project aims to improve and extend this TrioCFD module to high-performance 3D simulations in a distributed parallel computing environment. The objective is to use this module to simulate the 3D physical behaviors of interest of the aforementioned lithium-ion battery materials. We will rely on recent 2D phase field work which has provided a certain number of original and relevant answers to these issues. The move to 3D simulations will provide essential scientific perspectives for these applications.
This work will be carried out as part of a collaboration between several CEA teams from the Cadarache, Grenoble and Saclay centers, bringing together varied expertise (behavior of lithium-ion batteries, phase field method, TrioCFD software environment and numerical methods).