Multi-objective topological optimization in nonlinear mechanics

The CEA-Cesta aims at developing topological optimization tools with performances that are not achievable by commercial software. As part of this post-doc, it will be a question of taking advantage of a collaboration initiated in the LRC Cosims (I2M-Arts et métiers Bordeaux) to progress on the subject, to develop innovative optimization methods in the field of non-linear mechanics. Two application test cases are envisaged:
- Topological optimization of two geometric structures of very different shapes;
- Optimization of a structuring spring.

Design of electromagnets for magnetized plasma experiments on the LMJ-PETAL laser facility

With the aim of increasing the LMJ-PETAL facility's capabilities, particularly in the fields of Inertial Confinement Fusion, radiation source generation and astrophysics, the CEA, with the funding support of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region, has just carried out a feasibility study for an additional system enabling experiments to be carried out under an intense magnetic field (several 10T). The continuation of the project, with a view to its integration into the facility, is the subject of collaboration between several CEA departments, as well as with other laboratories in France (LULI, CELIA) and abroad (Japan, USA).
The magnetic field generation system essentially consists of a consumable coil (electromagnet) positioned around the laser target and powered by an energy bank via a transmission line. The continuation of the project requires in-depth work on the design of the coils, which will have to meet the required performance in terms of magnetic field generation (intensity, magnetized volume, spatial homogeneity and temporal stability), while at the same time being adapted to the characteristics of the high pulsed power supply (~10µs, qq. 10kA and qq. 10kV) and to the experimental constraints of a very large laser facility (integration in the experimental chamber center, alignment, risk of debris, nuclear safety, etc.).

Preparation and characterization of an oxide/oxide composite

Fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are a class of materials that combine good specific mechanical properties (properties relative to their density) with resistance to high temperatures (> 1000 °C), even in oxidizing atmospheres. They are typically composed of a carbon or ceramic fiber reinforcement and a ceramic matrix (carbide or oxide.
The proposed study focuses on the development of a low-matrix oxide/oxide CMC with suitable dielectric, thermal, and mechanical properties.
This study will be conducted in collaboration with several laboratories at CEA Le Ripault.

Advanced design of fiber-optic-based dosimeters for neutron applications

This topic covers the effects of irradiation in optical fibers, aiming at developing dosimeters for in situ characterization (flux, fluence, spatial homogeneity) of CEA experimental facilities. The use of irradiation machines is essential for studying the vulnerability and for the qualification of electronic, optoelectronic and optical components and systems in a radiative environment. Controlling the characteristics of irradiation beams (geometry, homogeneity, flux or energy spectrum) is essential. Monitoring these characteristics is not always available in situ, due to the lack of instrumentation adapted to operation in such extreme environments (radiation, temperature). The added complexity for neutron facilities rely in the presence of a parasitic photon component, which also needs to be characterized. Such a discrimination provided by this new type of dosimeters would be a significant improvement.
The work will be carried out in conjunction with the Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne and its partners, who recently coordinated the LUMINA project, a fiber-optic dosimeter installed on the International Space Station by Thomas Pesquet.

Influence of laser bandwidth and wavelength on laser plasma instabilities

As part of the Taranis project initiated by Thales and supported by BPI France and in collaboration with numerous scientific partners such as CEA/DAM, CELIA and LULI, work on target design and definition of the laser intended to energy production in direct drive will take place. A prerequisite for this work is to understand the laser-plasma interaction mechanisms that will occur when the laser is coupled with the target. These deleterious mechanisms for the success of fusion experiments can be regulated by the use of so-called “broadband” lasers. In addition, the choice of the laser wavelength used for the target design and the laser architecture must be defined. The objective of the postdoctoral position is to study the growth and evolution of these instabilities (Brillouin, Raman) in the presence of “broadband” lasers both from an experimental and simulation point of view, and thus to be able to define the laser conditions making it possible to reduce these parametric instabilities.

Cryogenic separation of gas mixture

Experimental investigation of reacting flow on Palladium hydrides

Evolution of ISAAC and Xpn codes for an extension of the QRPA method to the complete processing of odd nuclei; towards a database without interpolation for odd nuclei

The treatment of odd-isospin nuclei in microscopic approaches is currently limited to the so-called «blocking» approximation. In the Hartree-Fock Bogolyubov (HFB) approach, the ground state of an odd-mass nucleus is described as a one-particle excitation (qp) on its reference vacuum. Thus, in the QRPA approach, where the basic excitations are states «with 2 quasi-particles», the blocked qp is excluded from the valence space under the Pauli exclusion principle. As a result, the chosen qp is a spectator and is not involved in the QRPA collective states. If the single nucleon should have a significant contribution some levels will not be reproduced. The development in the QRPA codes (ISAAC and Xpn) of a procedure that allows all nucleons to participate in collective states is mandatory for a microscopic description of odd nuclei. Moreover, recent Xpn developments have allowed the description of forbidden ß- first decays improving the estimation of half-life time of fission fragments. This could be extended to address ß+ and electronic captures and could be adapted to large-scale calculations useful for nuclear astrophysics.

detection of multiplets and application to turkey-Syria seismic crisis of february 2023

The correlation technique, or template matching, applied to the detection and analysis of seismic events has demonstrated its performance and usefulness in the processing chain of the CEA/DAM National Data Center. Unfortunately, this method suffers from limitations which limit its effectiveness and its use in the operational environment, linked on the one hand to the computational cost of massive data processing, and on the other hand to the rate of false detections that could generate low-level processing. The use of denoising methods upstream of processing (example: deepDenoiser, by Zhu et al., 2020), could also increase the number of erroneous detections. The first part of the research project consists of providing a methodology aimed at improving the processing time performance of the multiplets detector, in particular by using information indexing techniques developed in collaboration with LIPADE (L-MESSI method , Botao Peng, Panagiota Fatourou, Themis Palpanas. Fast Data Series Indexing for In-Memory Data. International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBJ) 2021). The second part of the project concerns the development of an auto-encoder type “filtering” tool for false detections built using machine learning. The Syria-Turkey seismic crisis of February 2023, dominated by two earthquakes of magnitude greater than 7.0, will serve as a learning database for this study.

Slope stability analysis of the Mururoa atoll by probabilistic approach and construction of a weighted database of gravity origin tsunami models on the Nice region
