• Announce sodium characteristics
• Define the precautions to be taken when working with sodium as well as the collective and individual means of prevention
• Describe the main functions of a sodium loop
• Describe and use specific sodium instrumentation
• Know the main operation steps for a sodium facility
• Describe the particularities of sodium loop components and list the main commissioning and operating phases of a sodium loop
• Identify the main operating incidents, their consequences and the associated detection and protection systems
• Use sodium loop intervention procedures
• Sodium physical and chemical properties; sodium hazards
• Sodium facilities: functional analysis approach; design rules for main loop and utilities
• Sodium facilities operation
• Sodium Instrumentation
• Sodium facilities: technology
• Rules and guidelines for sodium facilities interventions
• Sodium pollution sources and potential consequences
• Sodium quality control including purification
• Sodium cleaning
• Practical exercises on: start-up operations, filling operations, facilities operations, facilities interventions, sodium fire
• Visits of sodium cleaning facilities and sodium test loops when the facilities are available
No prerequisites required.
Course organiser :
Catherine CATALDIcatherine.cataldi@cea.fr+33 4 42 25 79 66
Program contact :
Raphaëlle DOUSSONraphaelle.dousson@cea.fr+33 4 42 25 72 34
If you are disabled, please contact the disability correspondent at the following address: instn-handicap@cea.fr
No training session is scheduled for the moment, if this training interests you, please contact us.