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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Innovative strategies for minor actinides using molten salt reactors

Innovative strategies for minor actinides using molten salt reactors

Corpuscular physics and outer space Engineering sciences Neutronics Thermal energy, combustion, flows


Within the framework of the ISAC (Innovative System for Actinides Conversion) project of the France Relance initiative, preliminary concepts of molten salt reactor capable of incinerating minor actinides have to be proposed in connection with prospective évolutions of the French nuclear fleet (stabilisation or reduction of the plutonium and americium inventory, minimization of the deep storage footprint, …) and contraints linked to the nuclear fuel cycle (plutonium and minor actinides inventories). The specificities of molten salt reactors will be exploited to design innovative transmutation strategies.
The postdoctoral fellow will be based in the reactor and fuel cycle physics unit of the IRESNE R&D institute at CEA Cadarache. He/she will develop expertise in neutronics, fuel physics, and in the design of Generation-IV reactors of the molten salt type.


Département Etude des Réacteurs
Service de Physique des Réacteurs et du Cycle
Laboratoire d’études des cœurs et du cycle
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