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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Optimal Design of Hybrid Solar Heat and Power Systems for Industrial Processes

Optimal Design of Hybrid Solar Heat and Power Systems for Industrial Processes

Engineering sciences Mathematics - Numerical analysis - Simulation Mechanics, energetics, process engineering


Industrial processes use heat in the 50-1500°C temperature range, and heat accounts for around 70% of industrial energy consumption. Heat consumption in industry is generally classified into three temperature ranges: low (400°C), which can be addressed by different solar collector technologies. Concentrating solar technologies are needed to produce solar heat at T>150°C. The central issue of integrating solar heat into industrial processes is addressed in the SHIP4D project (PEPR SPLEEN programme). As part of this postdoc, the work will focus on the optimal design of hybrid solar systems for industrial processes. To this end, the PERSEE internal code will be developed to address the problems of optimally integrating solar thermal and photovoltaic technologies for the production of heat and electricity on industrial sites or parks.. The work will also serve as a basis for the European INDHEAP project (Optimal Solar Systems for Industrial Heat and Power), coordinated by the CEA, and started in January 2024.


Département Thermique Conversion et Hydrogène (LITEN)
Service Système Energétique Territoire et Industrie
Laboratoire des technologie thermodynamqiues et solaires
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