Postdoctoral fellow in AI, real time signal processing and software for real time epilepsy prediction/forecasting for closed loop neuromodulation by focal Cooling.

To date seizure suppression stimulation technologies (electrical stimulation) are majorly based on seizure detection procedure. No study has provided sound evidence that prospective seizure prediction/forecasting can be used to trigger closed loop therapeutics for drug resistant epilepsy treatment. Our proposal is based on the existing motor brain-computer interface algorithms already in clinical use. They can be adapted to generate prediction/forecasting of seizures occurrence. Our working hypothesis is that treating during high-risk seizures periods and not during the actual seizure would require relatively minor doses of the therapeutical element. This will reduce the power consumption and open the door to fully implantable system. Decoding algorithms will be potentially redesigned to respond better to the epileptic seizures forecasting task. They will be compared to the state of the art CNN based approaches, and other approaches. Prediction/forecasting seizures algorithms will be evaluated in an epilepsy model established at Clinatec, using non-human primates, and the algorithms will be refined over time. Cooling the epileptic foci is an effective way to stop de seizure before generalization. This model allows us to test the efficacy of the algorithms in treating focal seizures. An assessment of hardware embedding design constraints would be conducted to facilitate next steps for the clinical device development. The project will benefit from a collaboration between Clinatec and DSYS/SSCE; and will be in line with upcoming activities of LETI’s artificial intelligence platform.

Development of a cell analysis algorithm for phase microscopy imaging

At CEA-Leti we have validated a video-lens-free microscopy platform by performing thousands of hours of real-time imaging observing varied cell types and culture conditions (e.g.: primary cells, human stem cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, 2D/3D cell culture, etc.). And we have developed different algorithms to study major cell functions, i.e. cell adhesion and spreading, cell division, cell division orientation, and cell death.
The research project is to extend the analysis of the datasets produced by lens-free video microscopy. The objective is to study a real-time cell tracking algorithm to follow every single cell and to plot different cell fate events as a function of time. To this aim, researches will be carried on segmentation and tracking algorithms that should outperform today’s state-of-the-art methodology in the field. In particular, the algorithms should yield good performances in terms of biological measures and practical usability. This will allow us to outperform today’s state-of-the-art methodology which are optimized for the intrinsic performances of the cell tracking and cell segmentation algorithms but fails at extracting important biological features (cell cycle duration, cell lineages, etc.). To this aim the recruited person should be able to develop a method that either take prior information into account using learning strategies (single vector machine, deep learning, etc.) or analyze cells in a global spatiotemporal video. We are looking people who have completed a PhD in image processing, with skills in the field of microscopy applied to biology.

Development of a bimodal Brillouin-Raman microscope for biological tissue characterization

The Laboratory of Physics of Cytoskeleton and Morphogenesis (LPCV) at CEA Grenoble has an opening for setting up and characterizing a novel bioimaging modality combining Brillouin and Raman Spectroscopy. This is an interdisciplinary project between LPCV and the Laboratory of Imaging and Acquisition Systems (LISA) of CEA Grenoble. Brillouin microscopy allows non-invasive measurements of the visco-elastic properties of cells and tissue on the micrometer scale, while Raman microscopy gives complementary biochemical information. Such measurements have applications in the study of cytoskeleton organization, and for novel diagnostic tools based on following early mechanical and biochemical tissue alterations.
The postdoctoral scholar will be responsible for developing and coupling a Brillouin spectrometer to the Raman micro-spectrometer of LISA. This includes optical system development, instrument control and numerical data processing. He/She will characterize the instrument on model systems prepared at LPCV, and move forward to first in-cellulo experiments. The successful candidate is expected to coordinate the interaction between LPCV and LISA.

Microfluidic cell encapsulation

The Laboratory of Biology and Microfluidic Architecture is looking for a candidate to establish a new class of microfluidic devices for cell encapsulation using robust, industry-compatible materials. The laboratory is located in the Microtechnologies for Biology and Healthcare Division of LETI, focused on the development of micro and nanotechnologies for applications in the fields of medical imaging, security, in-vitro diagnostic, nanomedicine, medical devices and environment monitoring. LETI is a research institution focused on creating value and innovation through technology transfer to its industrial partners. It specializes in nanotechnologies and their applications, from wireless devices and systems, to biology, healthcare and photonics.
