CIGS solar cells optimized for energy harvesting applications in indoor environments
The goal of this post-doctoral fellowship is to develop solar cells based on CIGS thin films, for energy harvesting applications (powering of small electronic autonomous devices). This research project will aim at optimizing the solar cell performances in indoor environments, i.e., under low light intensity. The post-doctoral fellow will be involved in CIGS thin film elaboration by physical vapour deposition, film characterization, solar cell realization and test.
Thermodynamic Modelling of Complex Oxides for Smart Sensors
The search for more efficient materials follows a pattern that has changed very little over the years, involving poorly automated phases of synthesis, characterization and measurement of functional properties. Although this pattern has proved its strength in creating knowledge bases, it remains ineffective because it is time-consuming and generally covers a reduced range of compositions. The project Hiway-2-mat ( seeks to use high-throughput combinatorial approaches and develop autonomous configurations to explore the compositional spaces of complex oxide materials, with the aim of accelerating the discovery of materials for smart sensors. In this context, CALPHAD method is a valuable tool for materials exploration, as it can provide a number of useful insights into the role of oxidation state or oxygen partial pressure on phase stability, and on the degree of substitution of doping elements in an oxide matrix. The aim is to calculate phase diagrams of complex oxides based on available databases, either to better prepare combinatorial experiments, or to drive the autonomous robot on the fly, providing additional information for on-line characterization.
Your role will be to:
1)Perform thermodynamic simulations using CALPHAD method and Thermo-Calc Software to predict the stability range of a set of complex oxides (Ba/Ca/Sr)(Ti/Zr/Sn/Hf)O3 at different temperatures and oxygen partial pressures. In this step, the candidate will also perform a critical review of the thermodynamic data available in the literature.
2)Include key elements in the available database.
3)Develop a rapid screening method to search for the most promising compositions.
The candidate will work closely with the experimental platform development team to guide future trials and adapt the method to better meet the needs of large-scale production.