Point Spread Function Modelling for Space Telescopes with a Differentiable Optical Model


Weak gravitational lensing [1] is a powerful probe of the Large Scale Structure of our Universe. Cosmologists use weak lensing to study the nature of dark matter and its spatial distribution. Weak lensing missions require highly accurate shape measurements of galaxy images. The instrumental response of the telescope, called the point spread function (PSF), produces a deformation of the observed images. This deformation can be mistaken for the effects of weak lensing in the galaxy images, thus being one of the primary sources of systematic error when doing weak lensing science. Therefore, estimating a reliable and accurate PSF model is crucial for the success of any weak lensing mission [2]. The PSF field can be interpreted as a convolutional kernel that affects each of our observations of interest, which varies spatially, spectrally, and temporally. The PSF model needs to be able to cope with each of these variations. We use specific stars considered point sources in the field of view to constrain our PSF model. These stars, which are unresolved objects, provide us with degraded samples of the PSF field. The observations go through different degradations depending on the properties of the telescope. These degradations include undersampling, integration over the instrument passband, and additive noise. We finally build the PSF model using these degraded observations and then use the model to infer the PSF at the position of galaxies. This procedure constitutes the ill-posed inverse problem of PSF modelling. See [3] for a recent review on PSF modelling.

The recently launched Euclid survey represents one of the most complex challenges for PSF modelling. Because of the very broad passband of Euclid’s visible imager (VIS) ranging from 550nm to 900nm, PSF models need to capture not only the PSF field spatial variations but also its chromatic variations. Each star observation is integrated with the object’s spectral energy distribution (SED) over the whole VIS passband. As the observations are undersampled, a super-resolution step is also required. A recent model coined WaveDiff [4] was proposed to tackle the PSF modelling problem for Euclid and is based on a differentiable optical model. WaveDiff achieved state-of-the-art performance and is currently being tested with recent observations from the Euclid survey.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was recently launched and is producing outstanding observations. The COSMOS-Web collaboration [5] is a wide-field JWST treasury program that maps a contiguous 0.6 deg2 field. The COSMOS-Web observations are available and provide a unique opportunity to test and develop a precise PSF model for JWST. In this context, several science cases, on top of weak gravitational lensing studies, can vastly profit from a precise PSF model. For example, strong gravitational lensing [6], where the PSF plays a crucial role in reconstruction, and exoplanet imaging [7], where the PSF speckles can mimic the appearance of exoplanets, therefore subtracting an accurate and precise PSF model is essential to improve the imaging and detection of exoplanets.

PhD project

The candidate will aim to develop more accurate and performant PSF models for space-based telescopes exploiting a differentiable optical framework and focus the effort on Euclid and JWST.

The WaveDiff model is based on the wavefront space and does not consider pixel-based or detector-level effects. These pixel errors cannot be modelled accurately in the wavefront as they naturally arise directly on the detectors and are unrelated to the telescope’s optic aberrations. Therefore, as a first direction, we will extend the PSF modelling approach, considering the detector-level effect by combining a parametric and data-driven (learned) approach. We will exploit the automatic differentiation capabilities of machine learning frameworks (e.g. TensorFlow, Pytorch, JAX) of the WaveDiff PSF model to accomplish the objective.

As a second direction, we will consider the joint estimation of the PSF field and the stellar Spectral Energy Densities (SEDs) by exploiting repeated exposures or dithers. The goal is to improve and calibrate the original SED estimation by exploiting the PSF modelling information. We will rely on our PSF model, and repeated observations of the same object will change the star image (as it is imaged on different focal plane positions) but will share the same SEDs.

Another direction will be to extend WaveDiff for more general astronomical observatories like JWST with smaller fields of view. We will need to constrain the PSF model with observations from several bands to build a unique PSF model constrained by more information. The objective is to develop the next PSF model for JWST that is available for widespread use, which we will validate with the available real data from the COSMOS-Web JWST program.

The following direction will be to extend the performance of WaveDiff by including a continuous field in the form of an implicit neural representations [8], or neural fields (NeRF) [9], to address the spatial variations of the PSF in the wavefront space with a more powerful and flexible model.

Finally, throughout the PhD, the candidate will collaborate on Euclid’s data-driven PSF modelling effort, which consists of applying WaveDiff to real Euclid data, and the COSMOS-Web collaboration to exploit JWST observations.

[1] R. Mandelbaum. “Weak Lensing for Precision Cosmology”. In: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astro- physics 56 (2018), pp. 393–433. doi: 10.1146/annurev-astro-081817-051928. arXiv: 1710.03235.
[2] T. I. Liaudat et al. “Multi-CCD modelling of the point spread function”. In: A&A 646 (2021), A27. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039584.
[3] T. I. Liaudat, J.-L. Starck, and M. Kilbinger. “Point spread function modelling for astronomical telescopes: a review focused on weak gravitational lensing studies”. In: Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 (2023). doi: 10.3389/fspas.2023.1158213.
[4] T. I. Liaudat, J.-L. Starck, M. Kilbinger, and P.-A. Frugier. “Rethinking data-driven point spread function modeling with a differentiable optical model”. In: Inverse Problems 39.3 (Feb. 2023), p. 035008. doi:10.1088/1361-6420/acb664.
[5] C. M. Casey et al. “COSMOS-Web: An Overview of the JWST Cosmic Origins Survey”. In: The Astrophysical Journal 954.1 (Aug. 2023), p. 31. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/acc2bc.
[6] A. Acebron et al. “The Next Step in Galaxy Cluster Strong Lensing: Modeling the Surface Brightness of Multiply Imaged Sources”. In: ApJ 976.1, 110 (Nov. 2024), p. 110. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad8343. arXiv: 2410.01883 [astro-ph.GA].
[7] B. Y. Feng et al. “Exoplanet Imaging via Differentiable Rendering”. In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 11 (2025), pp. 36–51. doi: 10.1109/TCI.2025.3525971.
[8] Y. Xie et al. “Neural Fields in Visual Computing and Beyond”. In: arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2111.11426 (Nov.2021), arXiv:2111.11426. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2111.11426. arXiv: 2111.11426 [cs.CV].
[9] B. Mildenhall et al. “NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis”. In: arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2003.08934 (Mar. 2020), arXiv:2003.08934. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2003.08934. arXiv:2003.08934 [cs.CV].

AI-assisted generation of Instruction Set Simulators

The simulation tools for digital architectures rely on various types of models with different levels of abstraction to meet the requirements of hardware/software co-design and co-validation. Among these models, higher-level ones enable rapid functional validation of software on target architectures.

Developing these functional models often involves a manual process, which is both tedious and error-prone. When low-level RTL (Register Transfer Level) descriptions are available, they serve as a foundation for deriving higher-level models, such as functional ones. Preliminary work at CEA has resulted in an initial prototype based on MLIR (Multi-Level Intermediate Representation), demonstrating promising results in generating instruction execution functions from RTL descriptions.

The goal of this thesis is to further explore these initial efforts and subsequently automate the extraction of architectural states, leveraging the latest advancements in machine learning for EDA. The expected result is a comprehensive workflow for the automatic generation of functional simulators (a.k.a Instruction Set Simulators) from RTL, ensuring by construction the semantic consistency between the two abstraction levels.

Attention-based Binarized Visual Encoder for LLM-driven Visual Question Answering

In the context of smart image sensors, there is an increasing demand to go beyond simple inferences such as classification or object detection, to add more complex applications enabling a semantic understanding of the scene. Among these applications, Visual Question Answering (VQA) enables AI systems to answer questions by analyzing images. This project aims to develop an efficient VQA system combining a visual encoder based on Binary Neural Networks (BNN) with a compact language model (tiny LLM). Although LLMs are still far from a complete hardware implementation, this project represents a significant step in this direction by using a BNN to analyze the context and relationship between objects of the scene. This encoder processes images with low resource consumption, allowing real-time deployment on edge devices. Attention mechanisms can be taken into consideration to extract the semantic information necessary for scene understanding. The language model used can be stored locally and adjusted jointly with the BNN to generate precise and contextually relevant answers.
This project offers an opportunity for candidates interested in Tiny Deep Learning and LLMs. It proposes a broad field of research for significant contributions and interesting results for concrete applications. The work will consist of developing a robust BNN topology for semantic scene analysis under certain hardware constraints (memory and computation) and integrating and jointly optimizing the BNN encoder with the LLM, while ensuring a coherent and performant VQA system across different types of inquiries.

Predictive Diagnosis and Ageing Trajectory Estimation of New Generation Batteries through Multi-modalities Fusion and Physics-Informed Machine Learning

Lithium-ion and emerging Sodium-ion batteries are crucial for energy transition and transportation electrification. Ensuring battery longevity, performance, and safety requires understanding degradation mechanisms at multiple scales.
Research Objective:
Develop innovative battery diagnostic and prognostic methodologies by leveraging multi-sensor data fusion (acoustic sensors, strain gauge sensors, thermal sensors, electrical sensors, optical sensors) and Physics-Informed Machine Learning (PIML) approaches, combining physical battery models with deep learning algorithms.
Scientific Approach:

Establish correlations between multi-physical measurements and battery degradation mechanisms
Explore hybrid PIML approaches for multi-physical data fusion
Develop learning architectures integrating physical constraints while processing heterogeneous data
Extend methodologies to emerging Na-Ion battery technologies

The research will utilize an extensive multi-instrumented cell database, analyzing measurement signatures and developing innovative PIML algorithms that optimize multi-sensor data fusion and validate performance using real-world data.
Expected Outcomes:
The thesis aims to provide valuable recommendations for battery system instrumentation, develop advanced diagnostic algorithms, and contribute significantly to improving the reliability and sustainability of electrochemical storage systems, with potential academic and industrial impacts.

Defense of scene analysis models against adversarial attacks

In many applications, scene analysis modules such as object detection and recognition, or pose recognition, are required. Deep neural networks are nowadays among the most efficient models to perform a large number of vision tasks, sometimes simultaneously in case of multitask learning. However, it has been shown that they are vulnerable to adversarial attacks: Indeed, it is possible to add to the input data some perturbations imperceptible by the human eye which undermine the results during the inference made by the neural network. However, a guarantee of reliable results is essential for applications such as autonomous vehicles or person search for video surveillance, where security is critical. Different types of adversarial attacks and defenses have been proposed, most often for the classification problem (of images, in particular). Some works have addressed the attack of embedding optimized by metric learning, especially used for open-set tasks such as object re-identification, facial recognition or image retrieval by content. The types of attacks have multiplied: some universal, other optimized on a particular instance. The proposed defenses must deal with new threats without sacrificing too much of the initial performance of the model. Protecting input data from adversarial attacks is essential for decision systems where security vulnerabilities are critical. One way to protect this data is to develop defenses against these attacks. Therefore, the objective will be to study and propose different attacks and defenses applicable to scene analysis modules, especially those for object detection and object instance search in images.

Learning world models for advanced autonomous agent

World models are internal representations of the external environment that an agent can use to interact with the real world. They are essential for understanding the physics that govern real-world dynamics, making predictions, and planning long-horizon actions. World models can be used to simulate real-world interactions and enhance the interpretability and explainability of an agent's behavior within this environment, making them key components for advanced autonomous agent models.
Nevertheless, building an accurate world model remains challenging. The goal of this PhD is to develop methodology to learn world models and study their use in the context of autonomous driving, particularly for motion forecasting and developing autonomous agents for navigation.

Scalable thermodynamic computing architectures

Large-scale optimisation problems are increasingly prevalent in industries such as finance, materials development, logistics and artificial intelligence. These algorithms are typically realised on hardware solutions comprising clusters of CPUs and GPUs. However, at scale, this can quickly translate into latencies, energies and financial costs that are not sustainable. Thermodynamic computing is a new computing paradigm in which analogue components are coupled together in a physical network. It promises extremely efficient implementations of algorithms such as simulated annealing, stochastic gradient descent and Markov chain Monte Carlo using the intrinsic physics of the system. However, no clear vision of how a realistic programmable and scalable thermodynamic computer exists. It is this ambitious challenge that will be addressed in this PhD topic. Aspects ranging from the development computing macroblocks, their partitioning and interfacing to a digital system to the adaptation and compilation of algorithms to thermodynamic hardware may be considered. Particular emphasis will be put on understanding the trade-offs required to maximise the scalability and programmability of thermodynamic computers on large-scale optimisation benchmarks and their comparison to implementations on conventional digital hardware.

Multipath-based Cooperative Simultaneous Localization & Mapping through Machine Learning

The goal of this PhD is to explore the potential of machine learning (ML) tools for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) applications, while leveraging multipath radio signals between cooperative wireless devices. The idea is to identify characteristic features of the propagation channels observed over multiple radio links, so as to jointly determine the relative positions of the mobile radio devices, as well as those of scattering objects present in their vicinity. Such radio features typically rely on the arrival times of multipath echos of the transmitted signals. The envisaged approach is expected to benefit from multipath correlation as the radio devices are moving, as well as from spatial diversity and information redundancy through multi-device cooperation. The developed solution will be evaluated on both real measurements collected with integrated Ultra Wideband devices in a reference indoor environment, and synthetic data generated with a Ray-Tracing simulator. Possible applications of this research concern group navigation in complex and/or unknown environments (incl. fleets of drones or robots, firefighters…).

New machine learning methods applied to side-channel attacks

Products secured by embedded cryptographic mechanisms may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks. Such attacks are based on the observation of some physique quantities measured during the device activity, whose variation may provoke information leakage and lead to a security flaw.
Today, such attacks are improved, even in presence of specific countermeasures, by deep learning based methods.
The goal of this thesis is go get familiarity with semi-supervised and self-supervised Learning state-of-the-art and adapt promising methods to the context of the side-channel attacks, in order to improve performances of the attacks in very complex scenarios. A particular attention will be given to attacks against secure implementations of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.

Towards a better understanding of membrane proteins through AI

Despite the remarkable advances in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly with tools like AlphaFold, the prediction of membrane protein structures remains a major challenge in structural biology. These proteins, which represent 30% of the proteome and 60% of therapeutic targets, are still significantly underrepresented in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), with only 3% of their structures resolved. This rarity is due to the difficulty in maintaining their native state in an amphiphilic environment, which complicates their study, especially with classical structural techniques.

This PhD project aims to overcome these challenges by combining the predictive capabilities of AlphaFold with experimental small-angle scattering (SAXS/SANS) data obtained under physiological conditions. The study will focus on the translocator protein TSPO, a key marker in neuroimaging of several serious pathologies (cancers, neurodegenerative diseases) due to its strong affinity for various pharmacological ligands.

The work will involve predicting the structure of TSPO, both in the presence and absence of ligands, acquiring SAXS/SANS data of the TSPO/amphiphile complex, and refining the models using advanced modeling tools (MolPlay, Chai-1) and molecular dynamics simulations. By deepening the understanding of TSPO’s structure and function, this project could contribute to the design of new ligands for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
