Polyurethanes are thermosetting materials with significant environmental impacts. They are primarily synthesized from isocyanates, which are highly hazardous substances (toxic, sensitizing, and some even classified as CMR - Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, or Reprotoxic) and are subject to REACH restrictions. In this context, polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs) offer several advantages: (i) they are more easily bio-based compared to conventional PUs, (ii) their synthesis does not involve isocyanates, but (iii) instead allows for CO2 sequestration. However, the precursors used in the synthesis of PHUs (cyclic carbonates and amines) exhibit much lower reactivity than isocyanates, resulting in curing times that are currently incompatible with the temperatures and production rates required for this type of material.
Several research directions have been proposed to optimize PHU curing kinetics, focusing on the identification of (i) new cyclic carbonate and amine precursors chemically substituted at the a or ß positions of the reactive group, and (ii) new high-performance catalysts capable of activating both types of precursors used in synthesis.
In this context, the PhD candidate will be tasked with synthesizing new cyclic carbonate and amine precursors and studying their reactivity to identify the most favorable conditions for the synthesis of highly reactive PHUs. The results obtained during this work will then be analyzed using symbolic Artificial Intelligence models developed at CEA.
This PhD project is part of the PHURIOUS project, funded by the PEPR DIADEM program, which aims to integrate high-throughput synthesis and characterization techniques in polymer chemistry with digital tools, including DFT calculations, molecular dynamics simulations AI approaches.
Primary biological production in the oceans exerts significant control over atmospheric CO2. Every day, phytoplankton transform 100 million tonnes of CO2 into thousands of different organic compounds (1). Most of these molecules (as metabolites) are biologically labile and converted back into CO2 within a few hours or days. The climate-carbon feedback loops mediated by this reservoir of labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC) depend on this network of microbes and metabolites. In other words, the resilience of the ocean to global changes(such as temperature rise and acidification) will depend on how this network responds to these perturbations.
Because of its short lifespan, this pool of labile DOC is difficult to observe. Yet these microbial metabolites are the most important carbon transport pathways in the ocean and are assimilated by marine bacteria as sources of carbon and energy. Knowledge of the main metabolic pathways (from genes to metabolites) is therefore essential for modelling carbon flows in the oceans. However, the diversity of these molecules remains largely unexplored and many of them have no annotated biosynthetic and/or catabolic pathways. This is the case for homarin (N-methylpicolinate), an abundant compound in the oceans. Homarine content can reach 400 mM in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococchus (2) and this ubiquitous organism contributes between 10 and 20% of global net primary production (3).Because of its abundance, homarine is probably an important metabolite in the carbon cycle.
In this thesis project, we aim to elucidate the homarine degradation pathway in the oceans.
Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 is a Gram-negative aerobic bacterium and a member of the marine Roseobacter clade. Its close relatives account for around 10-20% of the bacterial plankton in the mixed coastal and oceanic layer (4). In the laboratory, DSS-3 can use homarine as its sole carbon source but to date, there is no information on the genes and catabolites involved in this process.
Comparative analysis of RNAseq experiments conducted on DSS-3 cultures grown with homarine or glucose (control) as a carbon source will enable us to identify the candidate genes involved in the degradation pathway. This pathway will also be studied using a metabolomic approach based on liquid chromatography coupled with very high resolution mass spectrometry. The difference in profile between DSS-3 metabolomes from cells grown on glucose as a carbon source and those from cells grown on homarine will help to detect catabolites in the pathway. Finally, the candidate genes will be cloned for recombinant expression in E. coli, the corresponding proteins purified and their activity characterized in order to reconstruct the entire homarine degradation pathway in vitro.
Analysis of the expression of these genes in data from the Tara Oceans project (5) will be the first step towards a better understanding of the role of homarine in the carbon cycle.
References :
(1) doi.org/10.1038/358741a0
(2) doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.01334-20
(3) doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1307701110
(4) doi.10.1038/nature03170
(5) https://fondationtaraocean.org/expedition/tara-oceans/
Wetting dynamics describes the processes involved when a liquid spreads on a solid surface. It's an ubiquitous phenomenon in nature, for example when dew beads up on a leaf, as well as in many processes of industrial interest, from the spreading of paint on a wall to the development of high-performance coating processes in nanotechnology. Today, wetting dynamics is relatively well understood in the case of perfectly smooth, homogeneous model solid surfaces, but not in the case of real surfaces featuring roughness and/or chemical heterogeneity, for which fine modeling of the mechanisms remains a major challenge. The main goal of this thesis is to understand how nanometric roughness influences wetting dynamics.
This project is based on an interdisciplinary approach combining physics and surface chemistry. The PhD student will conduct systematic model experiments, combined with multi-scale visualization and characterization tools (optical microscopy, AFM, X-ray and neutron reflectivity, etc.).
Thanks to the complementary nature of the experimental approaches, this thesis will provide a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of energy dissipation at the contact line, from the nanometric to the millimetric scale.
Elasticity is one of the oldest physical properties of condensed matter. It is expressed by a constant of proportionality G between the applied stress (s) and the deformation (?): s = G.? (Hooke's law). The absence of resistance to shear deformation (G' = 0) indicates liquid-like behavior (Maxwell model). Long considered specific to solids, shear elasticity has recently been identified in liquids at the submillimeter scale [1].
The identification of liquid shear elasticity (non-zero G') is a promise of discoveries of new solid properties. Thus, we will explore the thermal response of liquids [2,3], exploit the capacity of conversion of mechanical energy into temperature variations and develop a new generation of micro-hydrodynamic tools.
At the nanoscopic scale, we will study the influence of a solid surface in contact with the liquid. It will be a question of studying by unique methods such as Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Synchrotron radiation, the dynamics of the solid-liquid interface using Very Large Research Facilities such as the ILL or the ESRF, as well as by microscopy (AFM). Finally, we will strengthen our collaborations with theoreticians, in particular with K. Trachenko of the Queen Mary Institute "Top 10 Physics World Breakthrough" and A. Zaccone of the University of Milan.
The PhD topic is related to wetting, macroscopic thermal effects, phonon dynamics and liquid transport.
Nowadays, high-temperature electrolysis is considered as one of the most promising technology for producing green hydrogen. The electrolysis reaction takes place in a Solid Oxide Cell (SOC) composed of an oxygen electrode (made of LSCF or PrOx) and a hydrogen electrode (made of Ni-YSZ) separated by an electrolyte (made of YSZ). To accompany industrialization f SOCs, the durability still needs to be improved. The main performance losses are due to the degradation of the two electrodes. In order to propose an improvement, it is essential to gain a precise understanding of electrode degradation mechanisms. In this thesis, we thus propose to apply high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography (SAT) to study electrode degradation after aging under current. On the one hand, advanced electron microscopy techniques coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) will be applied. In addition, analyses carried out on a SAT will provide three-dimensional information particularly suited to the complex structure of the electrodes.
This work should provide a better understanding of the degradation mechanisms of high-temperature electrolysis cells. Recommendations for their manufacture can then be made to improve their lifespan.
In the field of infrared astrophysics, the most commonly used photon sensors are detector arrays based on the HgCdTe absorbing material. The manufacturing of such detectors is a globally recognized expertise of CEA/Leti in Grenoble. As for the Astrophysics Department (DAp) of CEA/IRFU, it holds renowned expertise in the characterization of this type of detector. A key characteristic is the pixel spatial response (PSR), which describes the response of an individual pixel in the array to the point-like generation of carriers within the absorbing material at various locations inside the pixel. Today, this detector characteristic has become a critical parameter for instrument performance. It is particularly crucial in applications such as measuring galaxy distortion or conducting high-precision astrometry. Various methods exist to measure this quantity, including the projection of point light sources and interferometric techniques. These methods, however, are complex to implement, especially at the cryogenic operating temperatures of the detectors.
At the DAp, we propose a new method based on the use of X-ray photons to measure the PSR of infrared detectors. By interacting with the HgCdTe material, the X-ray photon generates carriers locally. These carriers then diffuse before being collected. The goal is to derive the PSR by analyzing the resulting images. We suggest a two-pronged approach that integrates both experimental methods and simulations. Data analysis methods will also be developed. Thus, the ultimate objective of this thesis is to develop a new, robust, elegant, and fast method for measuring the intra-pixel response of infrared detectors for space instrumentation. The student will be based at the DAp. This work also involves collaboration with CEA/Leti, combining the instrumental expertise of the DAp with the technological knowledge of CEA/Leti.
The Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) photon energy range (10-100 nm) is crucial for many applications spanning from fundamental physics (attophysics, femto-magnetism) to applied domains such as lithography and nanometer scale microscopy. However, there are no natural source of light in this energy domain on Earth because photons are strongly absorbed by matter, requiring thus vacuum environment. People instead have to rely on expensive large-scale sources such as synchrotrons, free electron lasers or plasmas from large lasers. High order laser harmonic generation (HHG), discovered 30 years ago and recognized by the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2023, is a promising alternative as a laboratory scale EUV source. Based on a strongly nonlinear interaction between an ultrashort intense laser and an atomic gas, it results in the emission of EUV pulses with femto to attosecond durations, very high coherence properties and relatively large fluxes. Despite intensive research that have provided a clear understanding of the phenomenon, it has up to know been mostly limited to laboratories. Breaching the gap towards applied industry requires increasing the reliability of the beamlines, subjects to large fluctuations due to the strong nonlinearity of the mechanism, and developing tools to measure and control their properties.
CEA/LIDYL and Imagine Optic have recently joined their expertise in a join laboratory to develop a stable EUV beamline dedicated to metrology and EUV sensors. The NanoLite laboratory, hosted at CEA/LIDYL, is based on a high repetition rate compact HHG beamline providing EUV photons around 40eV. Several EUV wavefront sensors have been successfully calibrated in the past few years. However, new needs have emerged recently, resulting in the need to upgrade the beamline.
The first objective of the PhD will be to install a new HHG geometry to the beamline to enhance its overall stability and efficiency and to increase the photon energy to 92eV, a golden target for lithography. He will then implement the generation of a EUV beam carrying orbital angular momentum and will upgrade Imagine Optic’s detector to characterize its OAM content. Finally, assisted by Imagine Optic engineers, he will develop a new functionality to their wavefront sensors in order to enable large beam characterization.
Les mémoires ferroélectriques à accès aléatoire (FeRAM en anglais) à base d'oxyde d’hafnium et de zirconium (HZO) sont intrinsèquement ultra-faibles en consommation grâce au mécanisme de changement de tension, au potentiel de mise à l'échelle du HZO en dessous de 10 nm et à la compatibilité CMOS complète. De plus, elles présentent une faible latence nécessaire à une grande variété d'applications de logique et de mémoire. La compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents et de la cinétique du ‘switching’ des domaines ferroélectriques est essentielle pour une conception intelligente des FeRAMs avec des performances optimales.
Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation complète des domaines ferroélectriques (FE) dans des films HZO ultra-minces. L'étudiant utilisera plusieurs techniques d'imagerie de surface (microscopie à force piézoélectrique, PFM, microscopie électronique à basse énergie, LEEM, et microscopie électronique à photoémission de rayons X, PEEM) combinées à des méthodes avancées de caractérisation operando (détection résolue dans le temps couplée au rayonnement synchrotron). Ce projet marquera une avancée importante dans la recherche fondamentale des mécanismes de basculement de polarisation des couches FE ultra-minces à base d'hafnium, en élucidant les effets spécifiques de l'interface électrode métallique/couche FE dans le comportement électrostatique des condensateurs étudiés. Il permettra à terme une avancée significative dans le développement industriel des mémoires émergentes ferroélectriques, essentielles pour les applications d'intelligence artificielle (IA) à grande échelle.
In pressurized water nuclear reactors, the core components are exposed to both corrosion in the primary medium, pressurized water at around 150 bar and 300°C, and to neutron flux. The stainless steels in the core are damaged by a combination of neutron bombardment and corrosion. In addition, radiolysis of the water can have an impact on the mechanisms and kinetics of corrosion, the reactivity of the medium and, a priori, the mechanisms and kinetics of hydrogen absorption by these materials. This last point, which has not yet been studied, may prove problematic, as hydrogen in solid solution in steel can lead to changes in (and degradation of) the mechanical properties of the steel and induce premature cracking of the part. This highly experimental thesis will focus on the study of the impact of radiolysis phenomena on the corrosion and hydrogen uptake mechanisms of a 316L stainless steel exposed to the primary medium under irradiation. Hydrogen will be traced by deuterium, and neutron irradiation simulated by electron irradiation on particle accelerators. An existing permeation cell will be modified to allow in operando measurement by mass spectrometry of the deuterium permeation flux through a sample exposed to the simulated primary water under radiolysis conditions. The distribution of hydrogen in the material, as well as the nature of the oxide layers formed, will be analysed in detail using state-of-the-art techniques available at the CEA and in partner laboratories. The doctoral student will ultimately be required to (i) identify the mechanisms involved (corrosion and hydrogen entry), (ii) estimate their kinetics and (iii) model the evolution of hydrogen flux in the steel in connection with radiolysis activity.