Study of 3D pattern etch mechanisms into inorganic layers for optoelectronic applications

Optoelectronic devices such as CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) require the realization of 3D structures, convex microlenses, in order to focus photons towards the photodiodes defining the pixels. These optical elements are mandatory for the device efficiency. Their shape and dimension are critical for device performances. In the same way, devices based on diffractive optic and hyperspectral sensors are looking for complex multi-height structures. Finally, recent micro-display technologies for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) require 3D structures difficult to achieve with conventional micro-fabrication technics.
Leti is at the state of the art on an alternative photolithography technics, so-called Grayscale. This process can produce a whole range of 3D structures not available with standard photolithography, such as concave, elliptic, pyramids and asymmetrical shapes. These structures could be used in a large number of application fields, like photonics and micro-displays (AR/VR). Once these structures achieved in photoresist, it is necessary to transfer them in an adapted functional layer using plasma etching. The etch mechanisms behind the transfer of micrometric 3D patterns into a polymer layer have been recently studied at Leti. To address new application needs, it is interesting to transfer these structures into silicon based inorganic layers because of their optical properties. Furthermore, the 3D pattern dimensions, currently few micrometers, need to be sub-micrometric for the most advanced technologies. In these condition, pattern transfer fidelity of 3D structures is even more challenging and it underlines why the etch mechanisms need to be well understood.
Currently the transfer into inorganic layers by plasma etching of submicronic 3D patterns obtained with Grayscale photolithography is not well studied in literature. Consequently, this thematic is innovative and has a real benefit. The goal of this PhD thesis is to study and understand the etch mechanisms in order to control the shape and dimension of the transferred structures. The work will be very experimental and will be mainly performed in Leti’s 300mm cleanroom. You will have access to a last generation plasma etch tool and numerous characterization technics. This thesis is in collaboration with the photolithography department and in interaction with different teams, such as the silicon platform and application department.

Study and evaluation of silicon technology capacities for applications in infrared bolometry

Microbolometers currently represent the dominant technology for the realization of uncooled infrared thermal detectors. These detectors are commonly used in the fields of thermography and surveillance. However, the microbolometer market is expected to grow explosively in the coming years, particularly with their integration into automobiles and the proliferation of connected devices. The CEA Leti LI2T, a recognized player in the field of infrared thermal detectors, has been transferring successive microbolometer technologies to the industrial partner Lynred for over 20 years. To remain competitive in this growing market for microbolometers, the laboratory is working on breakthrough microbolometers incorporating CMOS components as the sensitive element. In this context, the laboratory has initiated studies focusing on temperature-dependent silicon technology capabilities, with promising initial results not reported in the literature. The thesis topic fits into this context and aims to demonstrate the interest of these components for microbolometric applications. It will therefore cover the analytical modeling of these components and their associated physical effects, as well as the reading of such a component in a microbolometer imager approach. A reflection on technological integration will also be conducted. The student will benefit from several already realized technological lots to experimentally characterize the physical effects and familiarize themselves with the subject. To understand the encountered phenomena, the student will have access to the laboratory's entire test set-ups (semiconductor parameter tester, noise analyzer, optical bench, etc.) as well as the numerical analysis Tools (Matlab/Python, TCAD simulations, SPICE simulations, Comsol, etc.). By the end of the thesis, the student will be able to address the question of the interest of these components for microbolometric applications.

Thermally conductive yet electrically insulating polymer nanocomposite based on core-shell (nano)fillers oriented by magnetic field

Advances in power electronics, electric motors and batteries, for example, are leading to a significant increase in heat production during operation. This increase in power density combined with reduced heat exchange surfaces amplifies the challenges associated with heat dissipation. The absence of adequate dissipation leads to overheating of electronic components, impacting on their performance, durability and reliability. It is therefore essential to develop a new generation of heat dissipating materials incorporating a structure dedicated to this structure.

The objective and innovation of the PhD student's work will lie in the use of highly thermally conductive (nano)fillers that can be oriented in an epoxy resin in a magnetic field. The first area of work will therefore be to electrically isolate the thermally conductive (nano)charges with a high form factor (1D and 2D). The electrical insulation of these charges of interest will be achieved by a sol-gel process. The synthesis will be controlled and optimised with a view to correlating the homogeneity and thickness of the coating with the dielectric and thermal performance of the (nano)composite. The second part will focus on the grafting of magnetic nanoparticles (NPM) onto thermally conductive (nano)fillers. Commercial NPMs will be evaluated as well as grades synthesised in the laboratory. The (nano)composites must have a rheology compatible with the resin infusion process.

Optimisation of advanced mask design for sub-micrometer 3D lithography

With the advancement of opto-electronic technology, 3D patterns with sub micrometer dimensions are more and more integrated in the device, especially on imaging and AR/VR systems. To fabricate such 3D structures using standard lithography technique requires numerous process steps: multiple lithography and pattern transfer, which is time and resource consuming.
With optical grayscale lithography, such 3D structures can be fabricated in single lithography step, therefore reducing significantly the number of process steps required in standard lithography. For high volume manufacturing of such 3D patterns, optical grayscale lithography with Deep-UV (DUV), 248nm and 193nm are the most relevant, as it is compatible with industrial production line. This technique of 3D lithography is however more complex than it seems, which requires advance lithography model and data-preparation flow to design optical mask corresponding to the desired 3D pattern.

Magneto-ionic gating of magnetic tunnel junctions for neuromorphic applications

Magneto-ionics is an emerging field that offers great potential for reducing power consumption in spintronics memory applications through non-volatile control of magnetic properties through gating. By combining the concept of voltage-controlled ionic motion from memristor technologies, typically used in neuromorphic applications, with spintronics, this field also provides a unique opportunity to create a new generation of neuromorphic functionalities based on spintronics devices.

The PhD will be an experimental research project focused on the implementation of magneto-ionic gating schemes in magnetic tunnel junction’s spintronics devices. The ultimate goal of the project is to obtain reliable and non-volatile gate-control over magnetisation switching in three-terminal magnetic tunnel junctions.
One major challenge remains ahead for the use of magneto-ionics in practical applications, its integration into magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ), the building blocks of magnetic memory architectures. This will not only unlock the dynamic control of switching fields/currents in magnetic tunnel junctions to reduce power consumption, but also allow for the control of stochasticity, which has important implications in probabilistic computing.

Design and fabrication of neuromorphic circuit based on lithium-iontronics devices

Neural Networks (NNs) are inspired by the brain’s computational and communication processes to efficiently address tasks such as data analytics, real time adaptive signal processing, and biological system modelling. However, hardware limitations are currently the primary obstacle to widespread adoption. To address this, a new type of circuit architecture called "neuromorphic circuit" is emerging. These circuits mimic neuron behaviour by incorporating high parallelism, adaptable connectivity, and in memory computation. Ion gated transistors have been extensively studied for their potential to function as artificial neurons and synapses. Even if these emerging devices exhibit excellent properties due to their ultra low power consumption and analog switching capabilities, they still need to be validated into larger systems.

At the RF and Energy Components Laboratory of CEA-Leti, we are developing new lithium-gated transistors as building blocks for deploying low-power artificial neural networks. After an initial optimization phase focused on materials and design, we are ready to accelerate the pace of development. These devices now need to be integrated into a real system to assess their actual performance and potential. In particular, both bio-inspired circuits and crossbar architectures for accelerated computation will be targeted.

During this 3-year PhD thesis, your (main) objective will be to design, implement, and test neural networks based on lithium-gated transistor crossbars (5x5, 10x10, 20x20) and neuromorphic circuits , along with the CMOS read and write logic to control them. The networks might be implemented using different algorithms and architectures, including Artificial Neural Network, Spiking Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks, which will be then tested by solving spatial and/or temporal pattern recognition problems and reproduce biological functions such as pavlovian conditioning.

Low temperature selective epitaxial growth of SiGe(:B) for pMOS FD-SOI transistors

As silicon technologies for microelectronics continue to evolve, processes involved in device manufacturing need to be optimized. More specifically, epitaxy, a crystal growth technique, is being used to fabricate 10 nm technological node FD-SOI (Fully Depleted-Silicon On Insulator) transistors as part of CEA-Leti's NextGen project. Doped and undoped Si and SiGe semiconductor epitaxy is being developed to improve the devices' electrical performances. The thesis will focus on selective SiGe(:B) epitaxy for channels and source/drains of pMOS transistors. A comparison of SiGe and SiGe:B growth kinetics will be made between growth under H2, the commonly used carrier gas, and N2. Innovative cyclic deposition/etching (CDE) strategies will also be evaluated, with the aim of lowering process temperatures.

Advanced Surface Analysis of Ferroelectrics for memory applications

CEA-Leti has a robust track record in memory technology. This PhD project aims to contribute to the development of HfO2-based ferroelectric devices. One of the major challenges in this field is to stabilize the orthorhombic phase while reducing film thickness and thermal budget. To gain a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms, a novel sample preparation method will be adapted from a previous PhD project and further developed for application to ferroelectric memories. This method involves creating a beveled crater that exposes the entire thickness of the film, allowing for access by multiple characterization techniques (XPS, TOF-SIMS, SPM) on the same area. This approach will enable the correlation of compositional and chemical measurements with electrical properties. Furthermore, heating and biasing within advanced surface characterization instruments (TOF-SIMS, XPS) will provide insights into how device performance is influenced by compositional and chemical changes.

You possess strong experimental skills and a keen interest in state-of-the-art surface analysis instruments. You excel in team environments and will have the opportunity to collaborate with experts across a wide range of techniques on the nanocharacterization platform, including advanced numerical data treatment. Proficiency in Python or similar programming languages is highly desirable.

ALD materials for FE and AFE capacitances

Ultrathin HfO2-based materials are regarded as promising candidates for embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) and logic devices. The CEA-LETI has a leadership position in the field of BEOL-FeRAM memories ultra-low consumption (<100fj/bit) at low voltage (<1V). In this context, the developments expected in this thesis aim to evaluate the impact of HfO2-based ferroelectric FE and antiferroelectric AFE layers (10 to 4 nm fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition ALD) on the FeRAM properties and performances.
In particular, the subject will permit a deep understanding of the crystallographic phases governing the FE/AFE properties using advanced measurements techniques offered by the CEA-LETI nano-characterization platform (physico-chemical, structural and microscopy analysis, electrical measurements). Several integration solutions for ferroelectric capacitances FeCAPs using ALD FE/AFE layers will be studied including doping, interface layers, sequential fabrication w/wo air break…
Thus, the developments based on FeCAPs stack fabricated using 300mm ALD deposition tool aspires to explore the following items:
1-Doping incorporation in FE/AFE layers (La, Y…)
2-Engineering of the interface between FE/AFE layers and top/bottom electrode
3-Plasma in-situ treatment of bottom electrode surface
4-Sequential deposition with and without air break

[1] S. Martin et al. – IEDM 2024
[2] Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 243508 (2024)

Superconducting Devices in Silicon

The project focuses on the study of superconducting devices with silicon as a semiconductor. Those include standard silicon transistors with superconducting source and drain contacts and superconducting resonators. The common properties is the superconducting material which is elaborated with the constrain of being compatible with the silicon CMOS technology.
In the actual situation of the project, devices with CoSi2, PtSi and Si:B superconducting contacts have been fabricated using the 300 mm clean room facility at the LETI and in collaboration with our partners at Uppsala university and C2N Paris Saclay. The main issue is now to characterize the electronic transport properties at very low temperature.
