HPC Parallel Integrodifferential Solver for Dislocation Dynamics

Context : Understanding the behavior of metals at high deformation rate [4] (between 104 and 108 s-1) is a huge scientific and technologic challenge. This irreversible (plastic) deformation is caused by linear defects in the crystal lattice : these are called dislocations, which interact via a long-range elastic field and contacts.
Nowadays, the behavior of metals at high deformation rate can only be studied experimentally by laser shocks. Thus, simulation is of paramount importance. Two approaches can be used : molecular dynamics and elastodynamics simulations. This thesis follows the second approache, based on our recent works [1, 2], thanks to which the first complete numerical simulations of the Peierls-Nabarro Equation (PND) [5] was performed. The latter equation describes phenomena at the scale of the dislocation.
PND is a nonlinear integrodifferential equation, with two main difficulties : the non-locality in time and space of the involved operators. We simulated it thanks to an efficient numerical strategy [1] based on [6]. Nevertheless, the current implementation is limited to one CPU –thus forbidding thorough investigations on large-scale systems and on long-term behaviors.

Thesis subject : There are two main objectives :
- Numerics. Based on the algorithmic method of [1], implement a HPC solver (High Performance Computing) for the PND equation, parallel in time and space, with distributed memory.
- Physics. Using the solver developped, investigate crucial points regarding the phenomenology of dislocations in dynamic regime. For exploiting the numerical results, advanced data-processing techniques will be employed, potentially enhanced by resorting to AI techniques.
Depending on the time remaining, the solver might be employed for investigating dynamic fractures [3].

Candidate profile : The proposed subject is multidisciplinary, between scientific computing, mechanics, and data-processing. The candidate shall have a solid background in scientific computing applied to Partial Differential Equations. Mastering C++ with OpenMP and MPI is recommended. Moreover, interest and knowledge in physics –especially continuum mechanics- will be a plus.
The PhD will take place at the CEA/DES/IRESNE/DEC in Cadarache (France), with regular journeys to Paris, for collaboration with CEA/DAM and CEA/DRF.

[1] Pellegrini, Josien, Shock-driven motion and self-organization of dislocations in the dynamical Peierls model, submitted.
[2] Josien, Etude mathématique et numérique de quelques modèles multi-échelles issus de la mécanique des matériaux. Thèse. (2018).
[3] Geubelle, Rice. J. of the Mech. and Phys. of Sol., 43(11), 1791-1824. (1995).
[4] Remington et coll., Metall. Mat. Trans. A 35, 2587 (2004).
[5] Pellegrini, Phys. Rev. B, 81, 2, 024101, (2010).
[6] Lubich & Schädle. SIAM J. on Sci. Comp. 24(1), 161-182. (2002).

Multiscale dynamics of a slender structure with frictional singularities: application to a fuel assembly

The dynamic modeling of complex structures may require to take into account phenomena occurring at very different scales. However, a full refined modeling of this type of structure generally leads to prohibitive calculation costs. Multiscale modeling then presents an alternative solution to this problem, taking into account each phenomenon at the most appropriate scale.
We are interested here in slender structures subjected to mechanical stresses with frictional contacts between the structure and the retaining elements. The behavior of slender structures is in general represented by beam models, but accurately taking into account all the local contact/friction requires massive 3D models.
The originality of the work proposed here is to build an efficient multiscale and multimodel approach between beam and massive models which makes it possible to locally take into account the friction contact of slender structures. We are therefore moving towards the use of local multigrid (or multilevel) methods which naturally allow a non-intrusive multiscale coupling. The accuracy of these methods depends on the choice of transfer operators between scales, which must be carefully defined. It will also be necessary to take into account the incompatibility of the meshes supporting the models on the various relevant scales. Hence, the final model will consist in an enriched beam model taking into account local contact phenomena.
The developed model will be compared with experimental results obtained during test campaigns already carried out, and with reference numerical solutions, of increasing complexity, intended to finely validate the relevance of the proposed multiscale approach.
The strong potential of the targeted multiscale approaches, applied in this subject to the nuclear field, could be exploited by the candidate for other industrial issues such as those of aeronautics or the automotive industry.
This thesis will take place within the framework of the joint MISTRAL laboratory between the CEA and the LMA (Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique) in Marseille. The PhD student will carry out the major part of his thesis within the CEA (IRESNE institut, Cadarache) in teams specialized in numerical methods and dynamic modeling of complex structures. The doctoral student will travel regularly to Marseille to discuss with the university supervisors.

Assisted generation of complex computational kernels in solid mechanics

The behavior laws used in numerical simulations describe the physical characteristics of simulated materials. As our understanding of these materials evolves, the complexity of these laws increases. Integrating these laws is a critical step for the performance and robustness of scientific computations. Therefore, this step can lead to intrusive and complex developments in the code.

Many digital platforms, such as FEniCS, FireDrake, FreeFEM, and Comsol, offer Just-In-Time (JIT) code generation techniques to handle various physics. This JIT approach significantly reduces the time required to implement new simulations, providing great versatility to the user. Additionally, it allows for optimization specific to the cases being treated and facilitates porting to various architectures (CPU or GPU). Finally, this approach hides implementation details; any changes in these details are invisible to the user and absorbed by the code generation layer.

However, these techniques are generally limited to the assembly steps of the linear systems to be solved and do not include the crucial step of integrating behavior laws.

Inspired by the successful experience of the open-source project mgis.fenics [1], this thesis aims to develop a Just-In-Time code generation solution dedicated to the next-generation structural mechanics code Manta [2], developed by CEA. The objective is to enable strong coupling with behavior laws generated by MFront [3], thereby improving the flexibility, performance, and robustness of numerical simulations.

The doctoral student will benefit from guidance from the developers of MFront and Manta (CEA), as well as the developers of the A-Set code (a collaboration between Mines-Paris Tech, Onera, and Safran). This collaboration within a multidisciplinary team will provide a stimulating and enriching environment for the candidate.

Furthermore, the thesis work will be enhanced by the opportunity to participate in conferences and publish articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, offering national and international visibility to the thesis results.

The PhD will take place at CEA Cadarache, in south-eastern France, in the Nuclear Fuel Studies Department of the IRESNE Institute [4]. The host laboratory is the LMPC, whose role is to contribute to the development of the physical components of the PLEIADES digital platform [5], co-developed by CEA and EDF.

[1] https://thelfer.github.io/mgis/web/mgis_fenics.html
[2] MANTA : un code HPC généraliste pour la simulation de problèmes complexes en mécanique. https://hal.science/hal-03688160
[3] https://thelfer.github.io/tfel/web/index.html
[4] https://www.cea.fr/energies/iresne/Pages/Accueil.aspx
[5] PLEIADES: A numerical framework dedicated to the multiphysics and multiscale nuclear fuel behavior simulation https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306454924002408

Foundations of Semantic Reasoning for Enhanced AI Cooperation in 6G Multi-Agent Communications

6G will integrate 5G and AI to merge physical, cyber and sapience spaces, transforming network interactions, revolutioning AI-driven decision-making and automation and radically changing the overall system’s perception of the foundational concepts of information and reliability. This requires the native-by-design integration of AI and communication system. Current 5G technologies cannot support such change. 5G limits data to be “teleported blindly” along the network without a priori understanding of how informative is for the receiver(s). As a result, AI algorithm outcomes remain limited to sophisticated pattern recognition and statistical correlations. This represent a major limitation of today sense-process-communicate-memorize intelligent information systems.
To support such revolution with AI, the emerging concept of semantic and goal-oriented communications transforms how information is processed by enabling AI to selectively collect, share, and process data based on its relevance, value, or timeliness to the receiver. Unlike 5G’s focus on high-capacity data transport, semantic communications prioritize meaningful, compressed knowledge sharing to enhance AI reasoning, adapt to diverse environments, and surpass current limitations in intelligent decision-making.
This PhD research explores three cutting-edge areas: (1) semantic communication, where today state of the art mostly is focused on AI-driven semantic compression and robustness, (2) integrated communication and sensing, merging data exchange and environmental sensing for resource-efficient applications, and (3) advances in compositional learning and AI reasoning, enabling intelligent systems to process complex, multi-modal data.
This research is focused on the development of abstract concept compositionality models that AI agents can utilize to understand and reason over complex semantic structures. In this context, the PhD candidate will design new methodologies for compositional reasoning that align with the requirements of multi-user, goal-oriented communication. The models will be constructed to enable compositional information exchange where AI agents can intuitively form, exchange, and infer based on compound semantic representations. By focusing on the inherent compositionality and adaptability of semantic exchanges, this research is positioned to support the next generation of intelligent, contextually aware communication systems. These systems will allow for a more precise and meaningful exchange of information between AI agents, enhancing their decision-making and cooperative abilities across a range of applications, from autonomous robotic swarms to networked IoT devices in smart cities and other intelligent environments. The PhD research will benchmark the proposed novel theoretical grounded concepts against current state of the art solutions in semantic communications by numerical simulation.

Optimization by Artificial Intelligence of In Situ Characterization of Pure Beta Radionuclides in Complex Environments

Before, during, and after... the characterization of the radiological state is essential at all stages of the decommissioning scenario of a nuclear facility. Can we intervene directly on-site, or is teleoperation necessary? Has the contamination of a given area been completely eliminated? How should we categorize a particular nuclear waste to optimize its future management?
In-situ non-destructive nuclear measurements aim to evaluate the radiological state of processes and equipment in real time, while meeting criteria of efficiency, safety, flexibility, and reliability, and reducing costs through rapid, precise, and non-invasive analyses. While characterization techniques for gamma emitters are well mastered, those for pure beta emitters remain a significant challenge due to the low range of beta radiation in matter and the ambient gamma noise, which makes in-situ detection particularly complex.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as machine learning or deep learning, in this field opens new perspectives. These technologies enable the automation of the analysis of large amounts of data while extracting complex information that is often difficult to interpret manually, particularly for deconvoluting continuous beta radiation spectra. Initial results obtained in the framework of L. Fleres' thesis have shown that AI can effectively predict and quantify the beta-emitting radionuclides present in a mixture. Although promising, this approach, tested in laboratory conditions, still needs to be qualified in real-world field conditions.
The proposed thesis aims to continue and refine these developments. It will involve integrating new algorithms, exploring various neural network architectures, and enriching learning databases to improve the performance of current systems for the in-situ characterization of beta emitters. This will include scenarios where the beta/gamma signal-to-noise ratio is degraded, as well as the detection of low levels of activity in the presence of natural radioactivity. Other research avenues will include the detection of low-energy radionuclides and the adaptation of deconvolution tools for large-surface detectors.
The characterization methodology developed at the end of the project will have strong potential for industrial valorization, particularly in the fields of decontamination and decommissioning. The doctoral candidate will join a team with extensive experience in the implementation of non-destructive radiological characterization techniques and methods in-situ and will have the opportunity to evaluate the proposed solutions on some of the largest decommissioning projects in the world.

Desired Profile: The ideal candidate holds a degree from an engineering school or a Master's (M2) with solid knowledge of nuclear measurement, particularly regarding the physical phenomena related to the interactions of ionizing radiation with matter. Skills in statistical data processing methods and programming (Python, C++) would also be appreciated.

Cohesive powder simulation: link between atomic and grain scale

Nuclear fuel is produced through a powder metallurgy process that involves several stages of the granular medium preparation (grinding, mixing, pressing and sintering). The powders used during these stages exhibit strong cohesion between the grains, making their flow behavior complex. Predicting powder behavior is a critical industrial challenge to quickly adapt to raw material changes, optimize product quality, and enhance production rates.

This thesis aims to establish a link between the properties of powders and their behavior during flow and pressing. Grain cohesion is a key factor that influences both the flow and densification of granular materials. This cohesion is governed by several interparticle forces, such as van der Waals forces, capillary interactions, and electrostatic forces. Understanding these interactions at the atomic scale is essential for accurately predicting and modeling powder behavior. The thesis seeks to address two central questions: How do the surface properties of grains at the atomic level influence the cohesive forces at the grain scale? And how can we scale up from the atomic level to the grain scale to simulate powders more realistically?

Multi-scale simulation approaches are crucial for bridging the gap between microscopic phenomena and the macroscopic behavior of granular materials. Current Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations rarely incorporate fundamental interactions, such as van der Waals forces, electrostatic forces, and capillary effects, into their contact models. Recent research (1) (2) has explored the impact of cohesion using a simplified approach, treating it as an attractive force or cohesive energy. Simulation methods like Molecular Dynamics (MD) or Coarse-graining enable the modeling of material behavior at finer scales, based on these local structural and chemical properties. A deeper understanding of cohesion at small scales will enhance the predictive capabilities of DEM simulations and clarify the relationship between powder properties and their overall behavior.The main goal of this thesis is to better understand the relationships between atomic-scale interactions and grain-scale cohesion and to assess the consequences for simulations of powder pressing and flow.

The primary goal of this thesis is to make connections between the atomic-scale interactions and grain-scale cohesion and to simulate the powder flow and compaction processes.
One of the main challenges in this project is the development of DEM contact laws that incorporate complex atomic-scale interactions. This will require close collaboration between experts in atomic-level simulations and those working on DEM modeling. Additionally, validating these models through experimental comparisons is essential to ensure their accuracy and relevance for industrial applications.

The PhD candidate will be based at the IRESNE Institute (CEA-Cadarache) within the Laboratory of Numerical Methods and Physical Components on the PLEIADES platform, part of the Department of Fuel Studies. They will collaborate with the Fuel Behavior Modeling Laboratory and will have access to state-of-the-art modeling and simulation tools, as well as a collaborative environment with the Mechanics and Civil Engineering Laboratory at the University of Montpellier.

1. Sonzogni, Max. Modélisation du calandrage des électrodes Li-ion en tant que matériau granulaire cohésif : des propriétés des grains aux performances de l'électrode. s.l. : Thèse, 2023.
2. Tran, Trieu-Duy. Cohesive strength and bonding structure of agglomerates composed. 2023.

Modeling of the fall of a drop in a volume, in support of the system code CATHARE

This thesis focuses on the study of droplet fall in free volumes, as part of the continuous improvement of the physical models in the CATHARE code, used for safety studies of Pressurized Water Reactors. The current models are based on the work of Ishii and Zuber, who model the fall velocity of droplets in a two-phase fluid. The objective of the thesis is to refine the precision of this model by incorporating additional parameters and validating it through experiments such as those of Dampierre and CARAYDAS. The PhD candidate will be required to develop a more representative mechanistic model, based on experimental data or CFD simulations if necessary. The innovation lies in developing a more accurate model of droplet fall processes, paving the way for specific applications such as spray modeling, and thus contributing to the validation of the CATHARE code in additional fields.

Development of a transport chemistry model for spent fuel in deep geological disposal under radiolysis of water

The direct storage of spent fuel (SF) represents a potential alternative to reprocessing as a means of managing nuclear waste. The direct storage of spent fuel in a deep geological environment presents a number of scientific challenges, primarily related to the necessity of developing a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in the dissolution and release of radionuclides. The objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive scientific model that can accurately describe the intricate physico-chemical processes involved, such as the radiolysis of water and the interaction between irradiated fuel and its surrounding environment. The objective is to propose an accurate reactive transport model to enhance long-term predictions of storage performance. This thesis employs a back-and-forth process between modeling and experimentation, with the goal of refining the understanding of alteration mechanisms and validating hypotheses with experimental data. Based on existing models, such as the operational radiolytic model, the work will propose improvements to reduce the current simplifying assumptions. The candidate will contribute to major industrial and societal issues related to nuclear waste management and will help to provide solutions to the associated safety issues.

Development of a multiscale / multimodel boundary condition

In the context of thermalhydraulics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes are widely used for design and safety analysis. CFD codes solve the Navier-Stokes equations in three dimensions. They mostly rely on the Reynolds-averaged formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. This approach allows for a detailed representation of the flow while requiring a limited numbers of hypotheses (turbulence models, law of the wall). A fine spatial discretisation is needed in order to achieve good prediction capabilities. This implies a large number of control volumes. The computational resources necessary to carry out a calculation at the industrial scale, such as a two-phase flow transient on the entire primary side of a nuclear reactor, are often prohibitive by present-day standards.

In order to cut the computational cost, a coarser spatial discretisation can be retained. Depending on the case of interest, the best practise guidelines of the RANS approach might not all be respected. Further hypotheses need to be added in order to maintain the quality of the model’s predictions. Such models may include pressure drops, heat transfer correlations or mixing terms. This approach is often referred to as a porous media approach.
Regardless of the method, the system of interest is often restricted to an open-loop model, which requires boundary conditions for the equation system to be solved.
Multi-scale coupling methods aim at using each approach where it best suited. The rationale is to reduce the computational burden while capturing the relevant physical phenomena.
Multi-scale coupling can be either one-way or two-way. In a one-way coupling, boundary conditions obtained from a first calculation are used as boundary conditions for another calculation. There is no feedback from the second calculation on the first one. In a two-way coupling, the coupled codes exchange data in the form of boundary conditions, usually at each time step. There is feedback between the two codes. Two-way is the method that is selected in the following.
The boundary conditions used in the standard approach are developed for cases were only macroscopic data are available, flow rate and temperature at the inlet, pressure at the outlet. In the context of a multi-scale coupling, data that are more detailed can be available such as velocity and pressure fields. This thesis work aims at developing boundary conditions, which can take benefit of all the available data in order to make the coupling as seamless as possible.
As an example, in case of two code instances, each one solving a portion of a physical domain relying on the same discretisation and modelling options, the results obtained from these two instances should be identical to that of a single code instance relying on the same discretisation and modelling options solving the entire domain.

Liquid film condensation modelling for passive: from experiment towards CFD and system codes

Passive systems are being considered for innovative reactors owing to their enhanced safety reliability. Particularly, the Safety Condenser (SACO) ensures the decay heat removal through a passive cooling of the secondary side: steam generated is condensed in a submerged vertical heat exchanger and the condensate returns back to the steam generator by natural circulation. It is therefore essential to accurately predict condensation in numerical codes.

CATHARE-3 is the reference thermalhydraulic code at system scale used in France for safety assessment of pressurised water reactors (PWRs). In particular, CATHARE standard film condensation models are validated against the COTURNE separate effect tests. Designed to validate reflux condensation mode in PWRs, the database involves gravity-driven flows with a certain extent of shear stress. However, the standard model is no longer valid for the SACO operating region, which is dominated by the sheer stress.

Recent works on SACO have shown a systematic overestimation of condensation by CATHARE. The main goal of this thesis is to improve CATHARE-3 condensation heat transfer models by means of experimental data (to be generated within the EASI-SMR European project) and by means of an upscaling methodology from CFD tools, namely Neptune_cfd.
