Thermomechanical behaviour at high temperature of an irradiated nuclear ceramic
This thesis is part of the studies on pellet-cladding interactions in nuclear fuel rods used in NPP. The operator must ensure and demonstrate the integrity of rods in any situations. The mechanical stresses on the clad, the first safety barrier, are linked to the viscoplastic properties of the fuel. It is therefore necessary to know these behaviors and their evolution in operation.
The topic proposed will focuse on the characterization, in hot lab, of an irradiated fuel. One of the main difficulties is that the irradiated fuels in a reactor are multi-cracked, which makes their mechanical characterization particularly complex. However, an ongoing thesis (2022-25) has reached different steps: (i) the design of a specific thermomechanical testing machine, (ii) the partial qualification of this device, (iii) the implementation of tools and cracked sample extraction method, (iv) and a whole system model (digital twin).
The thesis will be the continuation of this work and will be built in four stages on three experimental platforms available at the CEA:
1. Getting the knowledge and improving existing digital and experimental tools,
2. Implementation of the device in hot-cell on an existing furnace,
3. Thermomechanical testing on irradiated fuel, a world first time in these conditions.
The tests will require dedicated post-processing based on simulation-experiments comparisons. Once the experimental base is sufficiently developed and interpreted, it will then be possible to confirm or revise the irradiated fuel behaviour laws. A link with the microstructure of materials could be addressed.
Throughout these stages, the PhD student will draw on skills and expertise of laboratories of the Fuel Research Department (IRESNE Institute, CEA Cadarache) and on a academic collaboration. This thesis also fits into the framework of the European project OPERA HPC and is a major issue.
The PhD student should have a strong taste for the experimental approach and some facilities for the use of digital tools. Knowledge of materials science is the minimum required. During the three years, the PhD student will improve his multiphysical skills in experimental device design and high-temperature material behavior, as well as in numerical simulation, which will facilitate his professional integration.
Bottom-up study of Ionic Transport in Unsaturated Hierarchical Nanoporous Materials : application to cement-based materials
Ion transport is critical in determining the durability of cement-based materials and, therefore, the extension of service life of concrete (infra)structures. Transport phenomena determine the containment capacity of concrete, which is crucial in the design and asset management of concrete infrastructures for energy production. Under most service conditions, concrete exists in unsaturated conditions. Anomalous transport has been associated with cement-based materials, and the reasons behind such deviations from the expected behavior of other porous materials may stem from nanoscale processes.
Research efforts have aimed to correlating material composition and microstructure to transport properties and durability. However, to date, the majority of predictive modeling of durability does not explicitly account for nanoscale processes, which are fundamental in determining transport properties. Recent advances have been made in quantifying the behavior of confined water in various phases present in cement systems. Calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) are the main hydrated phase in cement-based materials and present nanopores in the micro and mesopore range. The effects of desaturation remain however to be fully worked out. A fundamental understanding of transport processes requires a multiscale framework in which information from the molecular scale reverberates across other relevant scales (in particular, the mesoscale associated with C-S-H gel porosity (~nm), capillary porosity, and interfacial transition zone (~µm) up to the macroscopic scale of industrial application in cement-based materials).
The goal of this PhD work is to evaluate the ionic transport of chlorides, a critical species for the durability of concrete, under non-saturated conditions by combining small-scale simulations, multiscale modelling and experimentation in a bottom-up approach. The work will focus on the C-S-H. The project aims to characterize the effects of desaturation on the nanoscale processes driving transport of chlorides.
Modeling of complexation equilibria of actinides in nitric medium. Application to the PUREX process
The PAREX+ code is a major tool in the field of separation chemistry. It allows for the modelling and simulation of separation processes base on solvent extraction. In this code, the distribution of interest species between the aqueous and organic phases is calculated at every point in the process, both in steady and transitory states. The aim of this thesis is to improve this distribution model. To achieve this, a better understanding of the phenomena involved in the organic and aqueous phases is necessary, as well as a new approach to incorporate them into the model. This thesis thus combines experimental work and modeling. The student will join a supervisory team composed of experts in separation chemistry and modeling. His work will be valued through the publication of papers and participation in international conferences. At the end of this thesis, the student will have solid knowledge in the field of solvent extraction and its modeling, which he can leverage with industry or research organizations in the nuclear field or in other areas of separation chemistry (separation of rare earths or hydrometallurgy).
Thermo-chemo-mechanical modeling of sintering : effect of atmosphere and the differential densification on pellet shrinkage
Uranium dioxide (UO2) fuels used in nuclear power plants are ceramics, for which solid-phase sintering is a key manufacturing step. The sintering stage involves heat treatment under controlled partial O2 pressure that induces coarsening of UO2 grain and then consolidation and densification of the material. Densification induces macroscopic shrinkage of the pellet. If the compact (powder obtained by pressing, manufacturing step before sintering) is highly heterogeneous density, a difference in densification within the pellet may occur, leading to differential shrinkage and the appearance of defects.
The PhD thesis aims at developing a Thermo-chemo-mechanical modeling of sintering to simulate the impact of the gas composition and properties on the pellet densification. This scale will enable us to take into account not only the density gradients resulting from pressing, but also the oxygen diffusion kinetics that have a local impact on the densification rate, which in turn impacts the transport process. Therefore, a multiphysics coupling phenomenon has to be modelled and simulated.
This thesis will be conducted within the MISTRAL joint laboratory (Aix-Marseille Université/CNRS/Centrale Marseille CEA-Cadarache IRESNE institute). The PhD student will leverage his results through publications and participation in conferences and will have gained strong skills and expertise in a wide range of academic and industrial sectors.
Quantification and Optimization of the Mechanical State of Nb3Sn Superconductors during the Heat Treatment
In agreement with the CERN’s advertised will for the implementation of a super-collider, FCC type, high field superconducting electromagnets, based on Nb3Sn, are being developed. In the framework of the HFM (High Field Magnets) European collaboration, the LEAS at CEA Paris-Saclay is designing, manufacturing, and testing superconducting magnet demonstrators generating up to 16 T. Nb3Sn conductors require a heat treatment at 650 °C. During this heat treatment, several physico-chemical phenomena lead to the formation of the Nb3Sn superconducting phase. These phenomena induce a mechanical state impacting the superconducting properties of the material. A study of the different phenomena inducing dimensional changes inside the conductors would allow estimating the stresses inside the Nb3Sn superconducting phase following the heat treatment. The goal of this thesis is to study, using modeling and experiments, the thermomechanical state of the conductors during the heat treatment in order to estimate the internal stresses and their impact on the superconducting performances. The results will allow the improvement of the Nb3Sn superconducting properties in view of the production of high field magnets for future accelerators.
Rotating machinery is a critical piece of equipment in many industrial plants, and its operation is regularly accompanied by balancing problems that result in potentially dangerous vibrations for operators and equipment. The centrifugal decanter, for example, is sometimes subject to vibrations that force the operator to slow down the production rate. The nuclear environment in which this equipment operates makes it impossible to carry out the measurements and observations required for a purely experimental study. The aim is therefore to carry out modelling with limited data in order to gain a detailed understanding of the phenomena involved. The aim of this work is to combine Euler-Euler type CFD simulations of the mass distribution in the rotating bowl with mass-spring modelling of the mechanical connections in order to get closer to the vibration signals measured industrially. Such a numerical tool would be a valuable aid in investigating the various potential sources of mass imbalance without the need for experimental replication. Combined with deep learning methods, this type of model would also make it possible to build an unbalance predictor from short vibration signals, opening the door to active control of the decanter
Design and optimization of an innovative breeding blanket concept for a compact high heat flux nuclear fusion reactor
Technical: heat transfer, structural mechanics, hydraulics, materials, numerical simulation
Non-technical: writing, interpersonal skills, English
Prerequisites: this thesis will be preceded by a 6-month internship. Contact the supervisor for more details about the topic.
This PhD focuses on the design and optimization of an innovative breeding blanket for compact nuclear fusion reactors. Nuclear fusion offers a promising solution to produce clean and sustainable energy. However, it requires the continuous production of tritium, a rare isotope, through breeding blankets surrounding the plasma. These blankets must also extract the generated heat. In compact reactors, technical constraints are increased due to extremely high heat fluxes and severe thermal and neutron conditions.
The PhD will take place within the Design, Calculations, and Realizations Office at CEA Saclay, a recognized player in the development of breeding blankets at the European level. This office has designed several concepts, such as HCLL (Helium Cooled Lithium Lead) and BCMS (Breeder and Coolant Molten Salt), two types of blankets based on helium or molten salt cooling systems.
PhD description:
The research program will take place over three years. The first year will focus on studying existing blankets, identifying the constraints of compact reactors, selecting appropriate materials and heat transfer fluids, and developing a preliminary design of the blanket. The following years will be dedicated to multiphysics modelling (thermal, mechanical, neutron), followed by iterative optimization of the concept to improve its performance.
The results of this PhD will have a significant impact on the development of compact fusion reactors by ensuring tritium production and structural integrity. This work could also open new avenues for future research on even more advanced breeding blankets, contributing to the growth of sustainable and commercially viable fusion energy.
Design and Optimisation of an innovative process for CO2 capture
A 2023 survey found that two-thirds of the young French adults take into account the climate impact of companies’ emissions when looking for a job. But why stop there when you could actually pick a job whose goal is to reduce such impacts? The Laboratory for Process Simulation and System analysis invites you to pursue a PhD aiming at designing and optimizing a process for CO2 capture from industrial waste gas. One of the key novelties of this project consists in using a set of operating conditions for the process that is different from those commonly used by industries. We believe that under such conditions the process requires less energy to operate. Further, another innovation aspect is the possibility of thermal coupling with an industrial facility.
The research will be carried out in collaboration with CEA Saclay and the Laboratory of Chemical Engineering (LGC) in Toulouse. First, a numerical study via simulations will be conducted, using a process simulation software (ProSIM). Afterwards, the student will explore and propose different options to minimize process energy consumption. Simulation results will be validated experimentally at the LGC, where he will be responsible for devising and running experiments to gather data for the absorption and desorption steps.
If you are passionate about Process Engineering and want to pursue a scientifically stimulating PhD, do apply and join our team!
Seismic analysis of the soil-foundation interface: physical and numerical modelling of global tilting and local detachment
Rocking foundations offer a potential mechanism for improving seismic performance by allowing controlled uplift and settlement, but uncertainties in soil-foundation interactions limit their widespread use. Current models require complex numerical simulations, which lack accurate representation of the soil-foundation interface.
The main objective of this thesis is to model the transition from local effects (friction, uplift) to the global response of the structure (rocking, sliding, and settlement) under seismic loads, using a combined experimental and numerical approach. Hence, ensure reliable numerical modeling of rocking structures. Key goals include:
• Investigating sensitivity of physical parameters in seismic response of rocking soil-structure systems using machine learning and numerical analysis.
• Developing and conducting both monotonic and dynamic experimental tests to measure the soil-foundation-structure responses in rocking condition.
• Implementing numerical simulations to account for local interaction effects and validate results with experimental results.
Finally, this research aims to propose a reliable experimental and numerical framework for enhancing seismic resilience in engineering design. This thesis will provide the student with practical engineering, along with expertise in laboratory tests and numerical modeling. The results will be published in international and national journals and presented at conferences, advancing research in the soil and structure dynamics field.
Validation of a Model-Free Data Driven Identification approach for ductile fracture behavior modeling
This research proposes a shift from traditional constitutive modeling to a Data-Driven Computational Mechanics (DDCM) framework which has been recently introduced [1]. Instead of relying on complex constitutive equations, this approach utilizes a database of strain-stress states to model material behavior. The algorithm minimizes the distance between calculated mechanical states and database entries, ensuring compliance with equilibrium and compatibility conditions. This new paradigm aims to overcome the uncertainties and empirical challenges associated with conventional methods.
As a corollary tool for simulations DDCM, Data-Driven Identification (DDI) has emerged as a powerful standalone method for identifying material stress responses [2, 3]. It operates with minimal assumptions about while being model-free, this making it particularly suitable for calibrating complex models commonly used in industry.
Key objectives of this research include adapting DDCM strategies for plasticity [4] and fracture [5], enhancing DDI for high-performance computing, and evaluating constitutive equations. The proposed methodology involves collecting full-field measurement maps from an heterogeneous test, utilizing High-Speed cameras and Digital Image Correlation. It will adapt DDCM for ductile fracture scenarios, implement a DDI solver in a high-performance computing framework, and conduct an assessment of a legacy constitutive model without uncertainties. The focus will be on 316L steel, a material widely used in nuclear engineering.
This thesis is the result of a collaboration between several labs at CEA ans Centrale Nantes which are prominent in computational and experimental mechanics, applied mathematics, software engineering and signal processing.
[1] Kirchdoerfer, Trenton, and Michael Ortiz. "Data-driven computational mechanics." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 304 (2016): 81-101.
[2] Leygue, Adrien, et al. "Data-based derivation of material response." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 331 (2018): 184-196.
[3] Dalémat, Marie, et al. "Measuring stress field without constitutive equation." Mechanics of Materials 136 (2019): 103087.
[4] Pham D. et al, Tangent space Data Driven framework for elasto-plastic material behaviors, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 216, 2023,
[5] P. Carrara, L. De Lorenzis, L. Stainier, M. Ortiz, Data-driven fracture mechanics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 372, 2020,