There is growing interest in new artificial intelligence techniques to manage the massive volume of data collected by particle physics experiments, particularly at the LHC collider. This thesis proposes to study these new techniques for simulating the rare-event background from the two-muon decay of the Higgs boson, as well as to implement a new artificial intelligence method for simulating the response of the muon spectrometer detector resolution, which is crucial for this analysis.
Development of Reconstruction Algorithms for the New High-Angle Time Projection Chambers in the T2K Experiment and Measurement of CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
Neutrinos are promising messengers for detecting physics beyond the Standard Model. Their elusive nature and unexplained mass suggest they could open new pathways for physics. Neutrino oscillation research has entered a precision era with experiments like T2K, which in 2020 observed hints of CP violation in the leptonic sector that could shed light on the question of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.
The T2K experiment, located in Japan, studies neutrino oscillations by generating an intense beam of muon neutrinos (and anti-neutrinos). This beam is measured at two locations: a near detector, designed to reduce systematic uncertainties related to the neutrino flux and interaction models, and a far detector (Super-Kamiokande), tasked with measuring the disappearance of muon neutrinos and the appearance of electron neutrinos after oscillation.
In 2023, T2K entered its second phase with increased beam power and upgrade of the near detector, including a highly granular new target and High-Angle Time Projection Chambers (HA-TPC). These improvements enable more precise reconstruction of particles produced by neutrino interactions.
IRFU teams contributed by developing HA-TPCs equipped with resistive Micromegas technology. This work improves spatial resolution and the precision of particle momentum. The thesis explores optimizing the particle track reconstruction algorithms in the HA-TPCs using advanced techniques, as well as analyzing T2K data with the upgraded ND280 to achieve a 3 sigma level of significance for CP violation. T2K is thus paving the way for future experiments like DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande, opening new perspectives for the next two decades.
Calibration of the new High-Angle Time Projection Chambers of the T2K Experiment and Measurement of CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
The proposed thesis project focuses on studying neutrino oscillations, a key quantum phenomenon for exploring New Physics beyond the Standard Model. These oscillations, compared between neutrinos and antineutrinos, could shed light on one of the most fundamental questions in particle physics: the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.
The T2K experiment, located in Japan, studies these oscillations by generating an intense beam of muon neutrinos (and antineutrinos). This beam is measured at two points: a near detector, used to reduce systematic uncertainties related to the neutrino flux and interaction models, and a far detector (Super-Kamiokande), responsible for measuring the disappearance of muon neutrinos and the appearance of electron neutrinos after oscillations.
The thesis project is divided into two parts. The first part will involve calibrating the new detectors (new time projection chambers using resistive MicroMegas technology) to measure the neutrino energy spectrum and assess the associated systematic uncertainties. The second part will focus on analyzing the newly collected data, allowing for more precise measurements of oscillation parameters, improving the understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions, and measuring CP violation in neutrino oscillations with 3 sigma significance in the case of maximal violation, as indicated by the latest T2K results, and ultimately 5 sigma in the future Hyper-Kamiokande experiment, which will use the same beam and near detector as T2K.
Measurement of charm elliptic flow in semi-central Pb-Pb collisions at 5 TeV at CERN with LHCb.
Heavy-ion collisions provide a unique opportunity to study the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), an exotic state of matter where quarks and gluons are no longer confined within hadrons and believed to have existed just a few microseconds after the Big Bang. Charm quarks are among the key probes for investigating the QGP. Indeed, they retain information about their interactions with the QGP, making them essential for understanding the properties of the plasma. The production of charm quarks and their interactions with the QGP is studied through the measurements of hadrons, mesons and baryons, containing at least one charm quark or antiquark, like D0 mesons or Lambda_c baryons. However, the hadronization process—how charm quarks become confined within colorless baryons or mesons—remains poorly understood.
A promising approach to gaining deeper insights into charm hadronization is to measure the elliptic flow of charm hadrons, which refers to long-range angular correlations and is a signature of collective effects due to thermalization. By comparing the elliptic flow of D0 mesons and Lambda_c baryons, researchers can better understand the charm hadronization mechanism, which is sensitive to the properties of the created medium.
To measure elliptic flow, the selected student will develop an innovative method that leverages the full capabilities of the detector. This method, which has never been applied before, provides a more intuitive and theoretically sound interpretation of the results. The candidate will adapt this technique for use with the LHCb detector to measure, compare, and interpret the elliptic flow of Lambda_c charm baryons and D0 mesons with the PbPb samples collected by LHCb in 2024.
Development of an X-ray detection system for particle ID of superheavy nuclei
The synthesis and study of the superheavy nuclei (SHN) is still one of the major challenges of modern nuclear physics. Experimental studies of hitherto unknown nuclei depend crucially on their identification in terms of atomic charge Z and nuclear mass A. To complete particle ID capabilities of the separator-spectrometer set-up S3 at GANIL-SPIRAL2, already providing a mass resolution sufficient to resolve the A of SHN, its focal plane detection system SIRIUS will be provided with X-ray detection for Z identification of the species of interest. The development of an X-ray detection system array, employing thin germanium crystals with thin entrance windows (based on so-called Low-Energy Photon Spectrometers (LEPS)), its integration in the SIRIUS set-up as well as its in-beam test and use for SHN decay spectroscopy will be the main tasks of the Ph.D. thesis. The Ph.D. student will be involved in SHN spectroscopic studies at GANIL and international accelerator laboratories like ANL, which serve as efficient preparation of the experiment campaigns planned at S3 which is scheduled to come online in 2024. This Ph.D. thesis work is an important ingredient for the preparation of the detection instrumentation needed for the S3 operation.
Machine Learning-based Algorithms for the Futur Upstream Tracker Standalone Tracking Performance of LHCb at the LHC
This proposal focuses on enhancing tracking performance for the LHCb experiments during Run 5 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) through the exploration of various machine learning-based algorithms. The Upstream Tracker (UT) sub-detector, a crucial component of the LHCb tracking system, plays a vital role in reducing the fake track rate by filtering out incorrectly reconstructed tracks early in the reconstruction process. As the LHCb detector investigates rare particle decays, studies CP violation in the Standard Model, and study the Quark-Gluon plasma in PbPb collisions, precise tracking becomes increasingly important.
With upcoming upgrades planned for 2035 and the anticipated increase in data rates, traditional tracking methods may struggle to meet the computational demands, especially in nucleus-nucleus collisions where thousands of particles are produced. Our project will investigate a range of machine learning techniques, including those already demonstrated in the LHCb’s Vertex Locator (VELO), to enhance the tracking performance of the UT. By applying diverse methods, we aim to improve early-stage track reconstruction, increase efficiency, and decrease the fake track rate. Among these techniques, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a particularly promising option, as they can exploit spatial and temporal correlations in detector hits to improve tracking accuracy and reduce computational burdens.
This exploration of new methods will involve development work tailored to the specific hardware selected for deployment, whether it be GPUs, CPUs, or FPGAs, all part of the futur LHCb’s data architecture. We will benchmark these algorithms against current tracking methods to quantify improvements in performance, scalability, and computational efficiency. Additionally, we plan to integrate the most effective algorithms into the LHCb software framework to ensure compatibility with existing data pipelines.
The nuclear two-photon, or double-gamma decay is a rare decay mode in atomic nuclei whereby a nucleus in an excited state emits two gamma rays simultaneously. Even-even nuclei with a first excited 0+ state are favorable cases to search for a double-gamma decay branch, since the emission of a single gamma ray is strictly forbidden for 0+ to 0+ transitions by angular momentum conservation. The double-gamma decay still remains a very small decay branch (<1E-4) competing with the dominant (first-order) decay modes of atomic internal-conversion electrons (ICE) or internal positron-electron (e+-e-) pair creation (IPC).
The thesis project has two distinct experimental parts: First, we store bare (fully-stripped) ions in their excited 0+ state in the heavy-ion storage ring (ESR) at the GSI facility to search for the double-gamma decay in several nuclides. For neutral atoms the excited 0+ state is a rather short-lived isomeric state with a lifetime of the order of a few tens to hundreds of nanoseconds. At relativistic energies available at GSI, however, all ions are fully stripped of their atomic electrons and decay by ICE emission is hence not possible. If the state of interest is located below the pair creation threshold the IPC process is not possible either. Consequently, bare nuclei are trapped in a long-lived isomeric state, which can only decay by double-gamma emission to the ground state. The decay of the isomers is identified by so-called time-resolved Schottky Mass Spectroscopy. This method allows to distinguish the isomer and the ground state by their (very slightly) different revolution time in the ESR, and to observe the disappearance of the isomer peak in the mass spectrum with a characteristic decay time. Successful experiment establishing the double-gamma decay in several nuclides (72Ge, 98Mo, 98Zr) were already performed and a new experiment has been accepted by the GSI Programme Committee and its realization is planned for 2025.
The second part concerns the direct observation of the emitted photons using gamma-ray spectroscopy. While the storage ring experiments allow to measure the partial lifetime for the double gamma decay, further information on the nuclear properties can be only be achieved by measuring the photon themselves. A test experiment has been performed to study its feasibility and the plans a more detailed study should be developed with the PhD project.
Towards a high spatial resolution pixel detector for particle identification: new detectors contribution to physics
Future experiments on linear colliders (e+e-) with low hadronic background require improvements in the spatial resolution of pixel vertex detectors to the micron range, in order to determine precisely the primary and secondary vertices for particles with a high transverse momentum. This kind of detector is set closest to the interaction point. This will provide the opportunity to make precision lifetime measurements of short-lived charged particles. We need to develop pixels arrays with a pixel dimension below the micron squared. The proposed technologies (DOTPIX: Quantum Dot Pixels) should give a significant advance in particle tracking and vertexing. Although the principle of these new devices has been already been studied in IRFU (see reference), this doctoral work should focus on the study of real devices which should then be fabricated using nanotechnologies in collaboration with other Institutes. This should require the use of simulation codes and the fabrication of test structures. Applications outside basics physics are X ray imaging and optimum resolution sensors for visible light holographic cameras.
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0nßß) represents a pivotal area of research in nuclear physics, offering profound insights into neutrino properties and the potential violation of lepton number conservation. The CUPID experiment is at the forefront of this investigation, employing advanced scintillating bolometers at cryogenic temperatures to minimize radioactive background noise. It aims to achieve unprecedented sensitivity in detecting 0nßß decay using lithium molybdate (Li2MoO4) crystals. These crystals are particularly advantageous due to their scintillation properties and the high Q-value of the decay process, which lies above most environmental gamma backgrounds. In turn this endeavour will require operating a fine grained array of 1596 dual heat/light detectors with excellent energy resolution. The proposed thesis integrates artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to enhance data analysis, reconstruction, and modeling for the CUPID experiment demonstrators and the science exploitation of CUPID.
The thesis will focus on two primary objectives:
1. Improved Time Series Event Reconstruction Techniques
- CNN based denoising and comparison against optimal classical techniques
2. Multivariate science analysis of a large neutrino detector array
- Analysis of Excited States: The study will use Geant4 simulations together with the CUPID background model as training data to optimize the event classification and hence science potential for the analysis of 2nßß decay to excited states.
Probing Gluon Dynamics in the Proton via the Exclusive Phi Meson Photoproduction with CLAS12
Protons and neutrons are made of partons (quarks and gluons) that interact via the strong force, governed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). While QCD can be computed at high energies, its complexity reveals itself at low energies, requiring experimental inputs to understand nucleon properties like their mass and spin. The experimental extraction of the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs), which describe the correlation of the partons longitudinal momenta and transverse positions within nucleons, provide critical insights into these fundamental properties.
This thesis focuses on analyzing data from the CLAS12 detector, an experiment part of Jefferson Lab's research infrastructure, one the 17 National Laboratory in the USA. CLAS12, a 15-meter-long fixed-target detector with large acceptance, is dedicated to hadronic physics, particularly GPDs extraction. The selected student will study the exclusive photoproduction of the phi meson (gamma p->phi p’), which is sensitive to gluon GPDs, still largely unexplored. The student will develop a framework to study this reaction in the leptonic decay channel (phi -> e+e-) and develop a novel Graph Neural Network-based algorithm to enhance the scattered proton detection efficiency.
The thesis will aim at extracting the cross section of the photoproduction of the phi, and interpret it in term of the proton's internal mass distribution. Hosted at the Laboratory of Nucleon Structure (LSN) at CEA/Irfu in Saclay, this project involves international collaboration within the CLAS collaboration, travel to Jefferson Lab for data collection, and presentations at conferences. Proficiency in particle physics, programming (C++/Python), and English is required. Basic knowledge of particle detectors and Mahine Learning is advantageous but not mandatory.