Methodology for studying the deployment of a fleet of innovative nuclear reactors driven by grid needs and constraints
Power grids are to a society what the blood system is to the human body: the providers of electrical energy essential to the daily life of all the organs of society. They are highly complex systems that have to ensure balance at all times between consumer demand and the power injected onto its lines, via mechanisms on different spatial and temporal scales.
The aim of this thesis is to develop a methodology for optimizing the deployment of innovative nuclear reactors in power grids, adapted to their specific needs and constraints. This approach should be applicable to a wide variety of grids, from island to continental scale, and to various levels of penetration and technologies of Variable Renewable Energies (VREs). Network constraints will need to reflect stability requirements in the short term (location and capacity of inertial reserves, participation in ancillary services), medium term (controllability and load following), and long term (seasonal availability and load factor of generation resources). Innovative nuclear reactors can be of any technology, and are characterized by macroscopic parameters such as load ramp-up/down kinetics, partial power levels, time before restart, cogeneration capacities, etc., as well as the technical and economic data required for dispatching. The aim is then to be able to draw up a profile (i.e. location, power, kinetics) of nuclear reactor fleets guaranteeing stabilized operation of power grids despite a high VREs penetration rate. Two main contributions are expected:
- Academic contribution: to propose an innovative methodology for optimizing the deployment of large-scale energy systems comprising innovative nuclear reactors, by integrating both the physics of power grids and their operational constraints;
- Industrial contribution: develop recommendations for the optimal deployment of innovative nuclear reactors in power systems incorporating VREs, taking into account aspects such as reactor power and inertia, location, reserve requirements for system services, load-following capability and availability.
The PhD student will be based in an innovative nuclear systems research unit. At the intersection of the study of nuclear reactor dynamics, power system physics and optimization, this energetics thesis will offer the PhD student the opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge of tomorrow's energy systems and the issues associated with them.