The impact of the clamping of PEMFC stacks has been demonstrated by the publication of numerous experimental measurements. Passive clamping systems were developped to garantee the minimum elasticity necessary notably during temperature changes or to improve the stress distribution. The new components are finer and finer presenting a reduced elasticity range, moreover latest publications demonstrate the impact of clamping on the deformation and performance of few microns thick active layers and it should be a major improvement to integrate an accurate dynamic clamping.
The first aim of the phD is to study experimetally the impact of the dynamic control of the clamping on the performances of stacks. These tests will be performed with stacks integrating either stamped metallic bipolar plates: the reference technology, or printed cells: the new technology in development at CEA. In parallel, the candidate will learn the model, actually under development thanks to a phD, simulating stresses and deformations, and the associated multiphysic parameters such as porosity or electric resistance, in function of clamping.
Thanks to the synthesis of these experimental and numerical results the candidate will improve the undertanding of the impact of the clamping and will propose solutions to improve notably the durability which is a critical point for our ongoing european or industrial projects.
In function of the phD progress, vibratory tests could be performed to evaluate the potential input of mechanical spectroscopy, notably for diagnosis.