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Formation continue
Credit : L. Godart/CEA
D’un jour à plusieurs semaines, nos formations permettent une montée en compétence dans votre emploi ou accompagnent vers le retour à l’emploi. 
Conseil et accompagnement
Crédit : vgajic
Fort de plus de 60 ans d’expériences, l’INSTN accompagne les entreprises et organismes à différents stades de leurs projets de développement du capital humain.
Formation continue
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Post-doc: act on your career and find employment in public or private research

5.3.1 Post-doctorants

Recherche scientifique

Nouvelle formation !

En bref

Based on your professional career and vocation, outline your employment prospects. Master the methods and tools essential to successfully land a position in line with your values.

A qui s’adresse cette formation ?

Young researchers (post-docs and 3rd year PhD students).

Compétences visées

• Define your professional goals and
identify/describe a professional project in terms of skills and values.
• Implement methods to find a job and thus enlarge the sectors and functions
• Be confident before a job interview thanks to the experimentation of various
recruiting methods.
• Explain, using the right terminology, the issues encountered within the
public and the private sectors.

The course includes an introduction to personal skill
evaluation, the clarification of professional projects, a method for job
finding and a training to job interviews enabling participants to show their
knowledge and personality.


Course introduction, expectations of participants.

- Define
your professional goals :

. understand basics in human
resources management useful for elaborating career goals

. define and package your skill and
strong points

. analyze your motivation to target
your next positions : positions opened to PhDs, in research or in interface
with science.

Search tactics :

. CV

. cover letter

. networking.

Selection process :

. methods used by recruters in
private sector : interviews, tests, …

. key points to apply in research
sector : how to present your motivation for an academic career, how to raise
your scientific project

Recruitment interviews :

. training to various type of job
interviews and auditions


To participate in the course, trainees must work on their personal evaluation and provide the results upon registration.

Méthodes et outils pédagogiques


Responsable pédagogique :

+33 1 69 08 88 97

Sessions de formation

Aucune session inter-entreprise n'est programmée pour le moment, si cette formation vous intéresse, merci de nous contacter.

Formations apparentées

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