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Formation continue
Credit : L. Godart/CEA
D’un jour à plusieurs semaines, nos formations permettent une montée en compétence dans votre emploi ou accompagnent vers le retour à l’emploi. 
Conseil et accompagnement
Crédit : vgajic
Fort de plus de 60 ans d’expériences, l’INSTN accompagne les entreprises et organismes à différents stades de leurs projets de développement du capital humain.
Formation continue
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Metallurgy and properties of Zr alloys for nuclear applications

Matériaux pour le nucléaire

Cycle du combustible


Matériaux pour le nucléaire


Recommandation: 100 %
Note moyenne de satisfaction des participants
Pourcentage de recommandation

En bref

The aim of this training is to present the main Zirconium-based alloys in pressurised water reactors, to understand their properties and in-service behaviour under thermo-mechanical and chemical stresses and under strong irradiation.

A qui s’adresse cette formation ?

Qualified engineers, scientists and technicians in charge of fabrication, characterization, application and safety evaluations of Zr based components for nuclear purposes,

Students carrying out specialised studies on material science and nuclear engineering.

Compétences visées

Acquire a general view of Zr alloys from the processing to in service properties including safety concerns:

  • Highlight the main processing parameters affecting the as-received material properties,
  • Explain the relationship between the microstructure evolution and the physico-chemical and mechanical properties: under irradiation, during corrosion, oxidation and hydriding in light water reactors environment, under accidental scenarii,
  • Give a reactor feedback and next future trends.
  • Lectures are given by academic and professional experts  of recognized standing in Material Sciences.
  • Practical work on actual fuel cladding specimen after thermal treatments and with or without chrome plating (SEM observations)
  • History and overview of Zr alloys for nuclear applications
  • Processing and forming of industrial components
  • Phase diagrams (includes Zr-H and Zr-O) and control of microstructures (in Zry and Zr-Nb)
  • Anisotropy, deformation mechanisms, cristallographic texture development, mechanical properties
  • Irradiation effects : Effects on microstructure; Creep and growth
  • Mechanical behaviour after irradiation
  • Corrosion in water (without and under irradiation)
  • High temperature oxidation and LOCA behaviour
  • Impact of H Pick-up: embrittlement, RIA, post irradiation creep
  • Reactor feedback and future trends in design and requirements for fuel cladding
  • Enhanced-Accident-Tolerant-Fuels » (E-ATF) coated Zr claddings

 Basic skills in material science are required

Auto-evaluation and final MCQ

Méthodes et outils pédagogiques


INSTN Saclay

Contact administratif :


Contact pédagogique :

Bertrand REYNIER
+33 1 69 08 49 75

Sessions de formation

Groupe limité à 9 Personnes

Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, veuillez contacter le référent handicap, afin de vérifier les possibilités de mise en oeuvre de l'action de formation, à l'adresse suivante : instn-handicap@cea.fr

Du 07 avril 2025
Au 11 avril 2025
INSTN Saclay 2 620,00€ HT S'INSCRIRE

Formations apparentées

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