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Formation continue
Credit : L. Godart/CEA
D’un jour à plusieurs semaines, nos formations permettent une montée en compétence dans votre emploi ou accompagnent vers le retour à l’emploi. 
Conseil et accompagnement
Crédit : vgajic
Fort de plus de 60 ans d’expériences, l’INSTN accompagne les entreprises et organismes à différents stades de leurs projets de développement du capital humain.
Formation continue
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Nuclear waste management - International school in nuclear engineering

Gestion des déchets

Cycle du combustible


Gestion des déchets

Recommandation: 100 %
Note moyenne de satisfaction des participants
Pourcentage de recommandation

En bref

This training is aimed at all engineers and researchers concerned with  radioactive waste management and treatment. After a descriptive introduction to the concept of radioactivity and waste, this course will lead you to address the issue of the various policies and options for management, treatment and disposal. Through specific examples such as the thermal treatment of organic materials, cementing or vitrification of high-level waste, you will discover the scientific and technical challenges linked to the various processes that must ensure the stabilization and containment of radioelements. The question of the different storage modes will be approached before working on a case study allowing you to practice in-depth reflection on the subject.

A qui s’adresse cette formation ?

The doctoral course is designed for young researchers, PhD students, post-doctorates and engineers from nuclear industry companies, research centres, Universities, Technical Safety Organizations (TSO), regulatory bodies.

Compétences visées

Perform a critical analysis of the various waste management options and identify how scientific studies play a part in addressing the issues related to nuclear waste management.

• Identify the origin, the nature, the volumes and flux of nuclear waste.
• Describe the nuclear waste management options.

• Know the specific issues of waste conditioning with cement-like and glass materials.

• Analyze the solutions for final storage, particularly for safety aspects.

• Present arguments for further scientific research in waste management.

High-level training dealing with all scientific and technical but also societal issues relating to the management and treatment of nuclear waste.

  •  General considerations on nuclear waste

  • Waste management options and related issues

  • Waste conditioning: concrete and vitrification

  • Science contribution to economic, safety and societal issues

  • Case study

Minimum background: Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering.

Auto-évaluation des apprenants

Méthodes et outils pédagogiques


INSTN Marcoule

Contact administratif :

Anne-Catherine DURAIN
04 66 79 69 40

Contact pédagogique :

Florent LEMONT
+33 4 66791815

Sessions de formation

Groupe limité à 12 Personnes

Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, veuillez contacter le référent handicap, afin de vérifier les possibilités de mise en oeuvre de l'action de formation, à l'adresse suivante : instn-handicap@cea.fr

Du 17 mars 2025
Au 21 mars 2025
INSTN Marcoule 2 620,00€ HT S'INSCRIRE

Formations apparentées

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