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Credit : L. Godart/CEA
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Conseil et accompagnement
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Fort de plus de 60 ans d’expériences, l’INSTN accompagne les entreprises et organismes à différents stades de leurs projets de développement du capital humain.

Human capital solutions

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Human capital solutions

At INSTN, we are committed to providing our partners with the best human capital solutions to develop and deliver safe & sustainable projects. Whether your project focuses on low-carbon energy or health care technology, our solutions are designed specifically to address the challenges that you face.

We believe people are your best assets to drive productivity, ensure safety, and enhance creativity in your organization. If you deserve the best workforce, they deserve the best development opportunities. Our human capital solutions will support the operational excellence of your project, organization, and talents by providing them with career prospects, knowledge management services, skilled trainers, first-rate education & training programs, and innovative learning equipment, resources & tools.

All our solutions are compliant with international best practices and standards, such as the SAT model. INSTN is ISO 9001-certified and has been an IAEA Collaborating Center since 2016.

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