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Home / Post Doctorat / Impact of Microstructure in Uranium Dioxide on Ballistic and Electronic Damage
Impact of Microstructure in Uranium Dioxide on Ballistic and Electronic Damage
Condensed matter physics, chemistry & nanosciencesEngineering sciencesMaterials and applicationsSolid state physics, surfaces and interfaces
During reactor irradiation, nuclear fuel pellets undergo microstructural changes. Beyond 40 GWd/tU, a High Burnup Structure (HBS) appears at the pellet periphery, where initial grains (~10 µm) fragment into sub-grains (~0.2 µm). In the pellet center, under high temperatures, weakly misoriented sub-grains also form. These changes result from energy loss by fission products, leading to defects such as dislocations and cavities. To study grain size effects on irradiation damage, nanostructured UO2 samples will be synthesized at JRC-K, using flash sintering for high-density pellets. Ion irradiation experiments will follow at JANNuS-Saclay and GSI, with structural characterizations via Raman spectroscopy, TEM, SEM-EBSD, and XRD. The postdoc project will take place at JRC-K, CEA Saclay, and CEA Cadarache under expert supervision.
Département de Recherche sur les Matériaux et la Physico-chimie pour les énergies bas carbone
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