Nuclear fuel is produced through a powder metallurgy process that involves several stages of the granular medium preparation (grinding, mixing, pressing and sintering). The powders used during these stages exhibit strong cohesion between the grains, making their flow behavior complex. Predicting powder behavior is a critical industrial challenge to quickly adapt to raw material changes, optimize product quality, and enhance production rates.
This thesis aims to establish a link between the properties of powders and their behavior during flow and pressing. Grain cohesion is a key factor that influences both the flow and densification of granular materials. This cohesion is governed by several interparticle forces, such as van der Waals forces, capillary interactions, and electrostatic forces. Understanding these interactions at the atomic scale is essential for accurately predicting and modeling powder behavior. The thesis seeks to address two central questions: How do the surface properties of grains at the atomic level influence the cohesive forces at the grain scale? And how can we scale up from the atomic level to the grain scale to simulate powders more realistically?
Multi-scale simulation approaches are crucial for bridging the gap between microscopic phenomena and the macroscopic behavior of granular materials. Current Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations rarely incorporate fundamental interactions, such as van der Waals forces, electrostatic forces, and capillary effects, into their contact models. Recent research (1) (2) has explored the impact of cohesion using a simplified approach, treating it as an attractive force or cohesive energy. Simulation methods like Molecular Dynamics (MD) or Coarse-graining enable the modeling of material behavior at finer scales, based on these local structural and chemical properties. A deeper understanding of cohesion at small scales will enhance the predictive capabilities of DEM simulations and clarify the relationship between powder properties and their overall behavior.The main goal of this thesis is to better understand the relationships between atomic-scale interactions and grain-scale cohesion and to assess the consequences for simulations of powder pressing and flow.
The primary goal of this thesis is to make connections between the atomic-scale interactions and grain-scale cohesion and to simulate the powder flow and compaction processes.
One of the main challenges in this project is the development of DEM contact laws that incorporate complex atomic-scale interactions. This will require close collaboration between experts in atomic-level simulations and those working on DEM modeling. Additionally, validating these models through experimental comparisons is essential to ensure their accuracy and relevance for industrial applications.
The PhD candidate will be based at the IRESNE Institute (CEA-Cadarache) within the Laboratory of Numerical Methods and Physical Components on the PLEIADES platform, part of the Department of Fuel Studies. They will collaborate with the Fuel Behavior Modeling Laboratory and will have access to state-of-the-art modeling and simulation tools, as well as a collaborative environment with the Mechanics and Civil Engineering Laboratory at the University of Montpellier.
1. Sonzogni, Max. Modélisation du calandrage des électrodes Li-ion en tant que matériau granulaire cohésif : des propriétés des grains aux performances de l'électrode. s.l. : Thèse, 2023.
2. Tran, Trieu-Duy. Cohesive strength and bonding structure of agglomerates composed. 2023.