An incineration and vitrification process devoted to the treatment of apha contaminated organic/metallic wastes originating from MOX production facilities is currently under development at the LPTI laboratory (Laboratoire des Procédés Thermiques Innovants) from the CEA of Marcoule. The development program relies on full scale mock-up investigation tests as well as 3D numerical simulation studies.
The thermo-aeraulic model of the incinerator reactor, developed with the Ansys-Fluent commercial software, is composed of several elementary bricks (plasma, pyrolysis, combustion, particle transportation).
The proposed work consists in improving the model, in particular as regards the pyrolysis and combustion components : chemical reactions, unsteady process… The degree of representativeness of the model will be assessed on the basis of a comparative study using experimental data coming from experiments carried out on the prototype reactor. Besides this development work, various parametric studies will be performed in order to evaluate the impact of various reactor design modifications.
So as to investigate the radiologic behaviour of the reactor during incineration of alpha contaminated wastes, a particle transport model (DPM) associated to a parietal interaction model will be implemented. The simulation results will be compared to experimental data obtained from the analysis of deposits collected on reactor walls (experimental tests are performed with actinides inactive surrogates).