Power devices based on wide band gap semiconductors are increasingly being studied and adopted in commercial products, driven by the electrification of our societies. Among these wide band gap devices, SiC-based technologies are the most mature, at the industrial production stage. Other materials are being studied to achieve higher performance, in particular diamond, whose intrinsic physical properties offer great potential, as well as GaN components in a vertical architecture. However, the real benefits of these materials compared with existing Si or SiC solutions have not been clearly demonstrated and might strongly depend on the applications considered. The aim of this project is to identify one or more applications where vertical GaN and diamond technologies are likely to bring significant benefits, taking into account the current and/or projected market for these applications. Then, using TCAD and SPICE simulations as well as experimental test device characterizations, we will compare the estimated performance of industrially viable diamond and GaN components, designed for these applications, with that of SiC and Si.