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Master 2 - Nuclei, particles, astroparticles, and cosmology

Business sector: Reseach and R&D
Entrance dregree: Bac + 4
Pathways: Academic Formation
Diploma issuer: Sorbonne UniversitéUniversité Paris-Saclay
Mention : Physique


The Master's degree M2 NPAC is intended for students training towards research in nuclear physics, particle physics, astroparticles and cosmology. It seeks to prepare students for an experimental or phenomenologicall PhD in the main research centres such as the CEA. This training is designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge in the world of the infinitely large (cosmology and astroparticles) and the infinitely small (particle and nuclear physics).

The Master 2 NPAC trains the future researchers of tomorrow. One of NPAC main assets is its strong link with research. All the teachers are leading-edge researchers in their domain. The students work in laboratories, during their internships and also when studying a selected researchers' work, particularly in instrumentation. Indeed, these areas of research require increasingly powerful and sophisticated instruments, their performances determining the advances of the discipline. The Master 2 NPAC program thus includes lectures in both the detector physics and the accelerator physics fields. This training is recognized for its academic quality by the research laboratories in the Paris region, and all over France. NPAC students are also welcome in theoretical and astrophysics laboratories.

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After the NPAC 1-year training, about 90% of the students obtain a grant to begin a PhD thesis. Most of the hosting laboratories are in Paris area, but also elsewhere in France or abroad.

Employability rate


after 6 months

Entrance requirement

Quantum Mechanics Notions of Subatomic Physics Classical Electrodynamics. (M1 level)

Learning outcomes

  • Use specialised knowledge of physics with the requisite scientific rigour.
  • Gather information on a scientific issue, based on the capacity identify relevant sources.
  • Use conceptual, methodological, numerical, technical and practical skills and knowledge to model and solve problems in physics or related subjects.
  • Carry out a physics project in an autonomous manner and produce a critical analysis of the results.
  • Adapt to a new environment, work as a team and collaborate to achieve common goals.
  • Communicate effectively in two languages including English, and in a manner adapted to the target audience.

Training description

In the first half-year (examinations in mid-February), the basic disciplines (quantum field theory, detector physics, particle physics from nuclei to stars, cosmology and astro particles) are taught by means of lectures combined with a month of “experimental project” practical work. The second half-year starts with two weeks of in-depth instruction (option to be chosen) and practical IT work, and ends with a 14-week laboratory internship. The students are brought in contact with the world of research (lab visits, seminars, etc.) throughout the year.

    Learning methods and facilities

    Success rate

    (Over the last 5 years)


    Evaluation modality


    Registration pathway

    Admission on file and interview.


    Partenaires académiques


    (Mise à jour le 17 January 2022)

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