The Master MaNuEn - Materials Science for Nuclear Energy is an international master designed for students wishing to pursue a career in the nuclear industry, in R & D or working for research organizations. MaNuEn is a 2-year master's degree aiming at covering the specificities of materials used in a nuclear environment, mainly nuclear fuels and components, with a particular focus on the durability of materials under irradiation. The second year of the MaNuEn Master is common with the Master of Science in Nuclear Energy - EMINE (first year at KTH in Sweden or the UPC in Spain) Master of Science Innovation in Nuclear Energy - EMINE
Registration fees - tuition fees:
Registration fees déterminated by Grenoble INP Phelma.
Teaching location:
Present a validated M1 degree in Physics, Necanics, Nuclear, Materials.
The content of the second-year program and courses has been established in collaboration with EDF engineers and CEA engineers. The second year takes place over 2 semesters: all the courses of the master are taught in the first semester (September to January) : 2 specialized courses taught at INSTN Cadarache (3 weeks in December) and Material Aging Instiute (2 weeks in January at EDF Renardières) are part of the curriculum. The second semester is devoted to an internship of 5 months minimum in industry or research laboratory.
- Reactor concepts and materials (6 ECTS)
- Material ageing in nuclear environment (6 ECTS)
- Components at EDF + energy issues (6 ECTS)
- nuclear fuels at CEA (6 ECTS)
- language and project (6 ECTS)
- Internship / master thesis (30 ECTS)
Cours, TD, TP, immersion sur les sites EDF (2 semaines) et du CEA (3 semaines).
50% des cours dispensés par des professionnels du nucléaire
(En 2019/2020)
Evaluation modality
Oral and writter exams
Educational contact
Julien 4 42 25 72 34
Administrative contact
Nieves 4 42257935
(Mise à jour le 13 April 2023)