This topic covers the effects of irradiation in optical fibers, aiming at developing dosimeters for in situ characterization (flux, fluence, spatial homogeneity) of CEA experimental facilities. The use of irradiation machines is essential for studying the vulnerability and for the qualification of electronic, optoelectronic and optical components and systems in a radiative environment. Controlling the characteristics of irradiation beams (geometry, homogeneity, flux or energy spectrum) is essential. Monitoring these characteristics is not always available in situ, due to the lack of instrumentation adapted to operation in such extreme environments (radiation, temperature). The added complexity for neutron facilities rely in the presence of a parasitic photon component, which also needs to be characterized. Such a discrimination provided by this new type of dosimeters would be a significant improvement.
The work will be carried out in conjunction with the Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne and its partners, who recently coordinated the LUMINA project, a fiber-optic dosimeter installed on the International Space Station by Thomas Pesquet.