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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Development of a mechanical energy harvester based on a rotating machine architecture with permanent magnets

Development of a mechanical energy harvester based on a rotating machine architecture with permanent magnets

Electromagnetism - Electrical engineering Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics Engineering sciences


This Post-doc offer will be aimed at developing energy harvesters, and more especially electromagnetic energy harvesters with an operation mode close to the one of rotating machines with permanent magnets. The post-doc applicant will have a background in electrical engineering and an experience in rotating machines design, ideally, with permanent magnets.

The missions of the Post-doc applicant will be to:
1) Imagine and design small-scale innovative energy harvesters by exploiting the techniques used in rotating machines.
2) Model and optimize the devices
3) Characterize the systems
4) Participate to the industrialization process


Département Systèmes (LETI)
Service Systèmes de Capteurs, électroniques pour l’Energie
Laboratoire Autonomie et Intégration des Capteurs
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