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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Development of numerical tools for the simulation of ultrasonic nondestructive inspection.

Development of numerical tools for the simulation of ultrasonic nondestructive inspection.

Engineering sciences Mathematics - Numerical analysis - Simulation


The CEA LIST develops the CIVA software platform (http://www-civa.cea.fr), in position of global leader for the simulation and expertise of non-destructive testing (ultrasonic and electromagnetic methods, radiography, X tomography). In the context of extending and improving capabilities of the CIVA platform, the post-doc fellow will contribute to the development of numerical methods for the ultrasonic testing (UT) simulation module.
The semi-analytical models of CIVA are based on physical simplifying hypotheses for the propagation of the ultrasonic beam and its interaction with defects. These methods provide efficient computational performances with accurate results in a wide range of realistic applications. However, configurations for which these models are not valid. The so called “numerical models” including finite element method (FEM), finite difference method (FDM) or boundary element method (BEM) enable to deal with these configurations without any simplifying hypotheses. However, the computation time is prohibitive in an industrial context, especially for 3D applications. The approach adopted in the CIVA platform consists in hybridizing semi analytical models with numerical ones in order to benefit of both the numerical efficiency of the former and the capability of simulating complex phenomena of the later.
The tasks associated to the post include the development of numerical methods themselves, in collaboration with academic partners, the integration in CIVA of a meshing solution enabling the data formatting for the numerical solving and specific developments for the coupling with semi analytical methods. Multi-boxes solutions, enabling for example the optimization of configurations with several defects or a coupling around the source and the defect, will be studied.


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