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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Development of piezoelectric resonators for power conversion

Development of piezoelectric resonators for power conversion

Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators Engineering sciences Mechanics, energetics, process engineering Technological challenges


CEA-Leti has been working to improve energy conversion technologies for over 10 years. Our research focuses on designing more efficient and compact converters by leveraging GaN-based transistors, thereby setting new standards in terms of ultra-fast switching and energy loss reduction.
In the pursuit of continuous innovation, we are exploring innovative paths, including the integration of piezoelectric mechanical resonators. These emerging devices, capable of storing energy in the form of mechanical deformations, offer a promising perspective for increased energy density, particularly at high frequencies (>1 MHz). However, the presence of parasitic resonance modes impacts the overall efficiency of the system. Therefore, we are in need of an individual with skills in mechanics, especially in vibrational mechanics, to enhance these cleanroom-manufactured micromechanical resonators.
You will be welcomed in Grenoble within a team of engineers, researchers and doctoral students, dedicated to innovation for energy, which combines the skills of microelectronics and power systems from two CEA institutes, LETI and LITEN, close to the needs of the industry (http://www.leti-cea.fr/cea-tech/leti/Pages/recherche-appliquee/plateformes/electronique-puissance.aspx).
If you are a scientifically inclined mind, eager to tackle complex challenges, passionate about seeking innovative solutions, and ready to contribute at the forefront of technology, this position/project represents a unique opportunity. Join our team to help us push the boundaries of energy conversion.

References : http://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=s3xrrcgAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate


Département Systèmes (LETI)
Service Systèmes de Capteurs, électroniques pour l’Energie
Laboratoire Electronique Energie et Puissance
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