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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Dynamic monitoring by light scattering of mass transfer between two phases in multiphase flows

Dynamic monitoring by light scattering of mass transfer between two phases in multiphase flows

Engineering sciences Optics - Laser optics - Applied optics Thermal energy, combustion, flows


The understanding and the modeling of recycling processes studied at CEA, require the measurement of both local and average properties of multiphase flows involved in chemical engineering devices. Moreover, as the R&D studies are generally conducted on small-scale experiments, access to these quantities is often difficult, especially considering that measurement methods should not disturb the observed system. In this context, optical methods, associated to extensive and rigorous physical simulations of light/particles interactions, are particularly relevant and, accordingly under specific developments since several years. Therefore, the DMRC/LGCI (CEA Marcoule), in collaboration with the laboratory IUSTI (CNRS and Aix-Marseille University), develops two optical interferometric techniques suitable for R&D studies: the Digital In-line Holography (DIH) and the Rainbow Refractometry (RR). Previous works have shown that DIH allows a simultaneous measurement of 3D-positions, shape and size of flowing particles, even considering astigmatic geometries, while RR gives access to the size and refractive index of each particle or of set of particles, which considering linear optics is directly linked to their composition. This study aims to go further in multiphase flows characterization with these two technics by following three main objectives: 1) propose original solutions for the characterization of materiel compositions thanks to DIH, 2) deepen inverse methods in RR to allow the study of clouds of particles with variable compositions and to take into account gradients of concentration around a sessile drop, 3) evaluate the relevance of these technics for lab on chip systems.


Département de recherche sur les procédés pour la mine et le recyclage du combustible
Service d’Analyses et d’Intégration Industrielle
Laboratoire de Génie Chimique et d’Instrumentation
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