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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Eco-innovation of insulating materials by AI, for the design of a future cable that is long-lasting, resilient, bio-sourced and recyclable.

Eco-innovation of insulating materials by AI, for the design of a future cable that is long-lasting, resilient, bio-sourced and recyclable.

Engineering sciences Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants Materials and applications Technological challenges


This topic is part of a larger upcoming project for the AI-powered creation of a new electrical cable for future nuclear power plants. The goal is to design cables with a much longer lifetime than existing cables in an eco-innovative approach.
The focus is on the cable insulation because it is the most critical component for the application and the most sensitive to aging. The current solution is based on adding additives (anti-rad and antioxidants) to the insulation to limit the effects of irradiation and delay aging as much as possible. However, there is another solution that has never been tested before: self-repairing materials.
The project to which this topic is attached aims to design and manufacture several test model of insulation specimens. With several test characterization protocols, in order to verify the gain in terms of reliability and resilience. The results obtained will begin to fill a future database for the AI platform Expressif, developed at CEA List, which will be used to design the future cable.


Département d’Instrumentation Numérique
Service Monitoring, Contrôle et Diagnostic
Laboratoire Instrumentation Multi TEChniques
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