This post-doc aims at establishing by artificial intelligence methods (e.g. signal processing on graphs), the mapping of an industrial task performed by a human operator, and acquired by visual sensors, in order to be interpretable and exploitable by a robot. It is part of a project aiming at designing a demonstrator in which a robot will learn to reproduce by observation a task performed by a human. The platform has been deployed at CEA Tech and is currently operated by an engineer.
The objective of this post-doc is mainly to study and develop a set of methods to build a mapping between the actions performed by a human operator and perceived through visual sensors and the actions performed by the robot. These methods and the work of the related theses will then be implemented in the demonstrator in order to test them experimentally.
Due to the central position of the subject of this post-doc, under the triple supervision of the PACCE and IPI teams of LS2N and CEA, you will have to collaborate closely with the two PhD students already involved in the project. You will have to conceptualize and formalize the methods and representations on the one hand by synthesizing the existing literature on the subject and on the other hand by establishing a common framework encompassing the two thesis works.