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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   HPC simulations for PEM fuel cells

HPC simulations for PEM fuel cells

Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition Numerical simulation Technological challenges


The goal is to improve TRUST-FC software -a joint development between LITEN and DES institutes at CEA- for detailed full 3D simulation of hydrogene PEM fuel cells and to run simulations on whole real bipolar plate geometries. Funded by AIDAS virtual lab (CEA/Forshungs Zentrum Juelich), a fully coupled electro-chemical, fluidic and thermal model has been built, based on CEA software TRUST. The model has been benchmarked against its FZJ counterpart (Open fuelcell, based on OpenFoam). The candidate will adapt the software and toolchain to larger and larger meshes up to billion cells meshes required to model a full bipolar plate. Besides, he will introduce two phase flow models in order to address the current technological challenges (local flooding or dryout). This ambitious project is actively supported by close collaboration with CEA/DES and FZJ.


Département de l’Electricité et de l’Hydrogène pour les Transports (LITEN)
Service Architecture électrique, Modélisation et Analyse
Laboratoire Modélisation multi-échelle et suivi Performance
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