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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Implementation of a software package for the simulation of the Infrared Thermography Non Destructive Testing method

Implementation of a software package for the simulation of the Infrared Thermography Non Destructive Testing method

Engineering sciences Mathematics - Numerical analysis - Simulation Thermal energy, combustion, flows


The CEA LIST implements simulation tools for several Non Destructively Testing (NDT) techniques, integrated to the CIVA software platform. The different methods used, nowadays in the CIVA platform, concern the ultrasonics, eddy current and radiography techniques. The TREFLE is a reference lab in thermics and had developped some original modelling approachs for the control by Infrared Thermography (IR) method. In the frame of a project funded by the Aquitaine region, these two labs collabore to implement simulation tools for the NDT by the Infrared Thermography technique, dedicated to industrial applications and accesssible to a non-numericians public.
The objective of this post-doc position is the implementation of physical modelling (in a matlab environment) for the resolution of transient thermal problems in multilayers configurations (like composite materials used in aeronautics), eventually anisotropic, for a flash or a periodic excitation with uniform or point irradtiation.


Département Nouvelle-Aquitaine (CTREG)
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