The proposed research project aims at developing an in situ analytical device based on the LIBS technique for the characterization of hard environment liquid media such as high temperature melting materials or highly volatile liquid metals used for development of low carbon energy production. The project involves two CEA teams specialized in LIBS instrumentation, analytical developments and high temperature environments.
At high temperature, the molten metals have a high surface reactivity leading to processes of oxidation, slagging … Non-intrusive analysis of this surface by traditional LIBS tools leads to a non-representative results of the molten metal chemical composition. In this project, a new-patented concept based on a mechanical stirring coupled to the LIBS device is developed in order to have a renewable and stable surface of the liquid metal. The aim is to have an on-line representative composition of the metal during the treatment process. The developed demonstrator will be validated for the analysis of impurities (at ppmw ranges) in liquid silicon (T> 1450 °C) during the purification process and the crystallization one for photovoltaic applications. At the end of the project, recommendations for in-situ analysis of liquid sodium (used as cooling fluid in nuclear reactors) will be given.