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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Internet of Things applications: Ultra Low power and adaptive analog-to-digital converters in advanced FD-SOI process

Internet of Things applications: Ultra Low power and adaptive analog-to-digital converters in advanced FD-SOI process

Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics Engineering sciences


The post-doctoral project aims to study Ultra Low Power and Adaptive Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) over a wide operating range of microsystem from Internet of Things or sensor networks applications.
The ADC is one of the main blocks into System on Chip (SoC) because of its position between physical signal treatment (Front-End) and digital treatment (Digital Base Band). Its performances in terms of resolution or frequency ranges affect the overall performances of the SoC. A particular consideration will be carrying out on power consumption and some reconfigurability technics will be used to adapt its consumption to the contextual performances required. To reduce as possible the ADC consumption, advanced FDSOI process will be used.
Based on Ultra Low Power constraints, the post-doctorate student will study the literature and will propose, design and experimentally demonstrate a relevant topology to increase the power efficiency and the performances of ADC by using advanced FDSOI process.


Département Systèmes (LETI)
Service Technologies Sans Fils
Laboratoire Architectures Intégrées Radiofréquences
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