At CEA-Leti we have validated a video-lens-free microscopy platform by performing thousands of hours of real-time imaging observing varied cell types and culture conditions (e.g.: primary cells, human stem cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, 2D/3D cell culture, etc.). And we have developed different algorithms to study major cell functions, i.e. cell adhesion and spreading, cell division, cell division orientation, and cell death.
The research project of the post-doc is to extend the analysis of the datasets produced by lens-free video microscopy. The post-doc will assist our partner in conducting the experimentations and will develop the necessary algorithms to reconstruct the images of the cell culture in different conditions. In particular, we will challenge the holographic reconstruction algorithms with the possibility to quantify the optical path difference (i.e. the refractive index multiplied by the thickness). Existing algorithms allow to quantify isolated cells. They will be further developed and assessed to quantify the formation of cell stacking in all three dimensions. These algorithms will have no Z-sectioning ability as e.g. confocal microscopy, only the optical path thickness will be measured.
We are looking people who have completed a PhD in image processing and/or deep learning with skills in the field of microscopy applied to biology.