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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Metamaterials : design of an integrated high-impedance surface at 60 GHz, transposition and potentialities at 60 THz

Metamaterials : design of an integrated high-impedance surface at 60 GHz, transposition and potentialities at 60 THz

Electromagnetism - Electrical engineering Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics Engineering sciences


Invisibility cloaking, sub-wavelength, thin antenna substrates, absorbers, etc., metamaterial structures have open many perspectives, some of them seeming futuristic while other being very practical given the current ste of the art in the domains of materials, microtechnologies and integrated optics.
this post-doctoral work will focus on the study of high-impedance surfaces and the possibility of transposition of these designs between very different frequency bands (6 GHz, 60 GHz, 60 THz) corresponding to a wide range of technologies and applications.
After a thorough bibliographic study of the current state of the art, the developments will include the design of high-impedance surfaces at the three frequency bands cited above and an experimental demonstration at 6 GHz and possibly at 60 GHz.


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