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Model evolution management and mastering

Computer science and software Engineering sciences


Designing ever more complex systems needs for new paradigms in order to face all the new challenges as improving safety while reducing time and cost to market. Paradigms, mainly active models and model transformations, promoted by model-driven engineering are providing efficient solutions to deal with those issues. However, as promoted in the series of international workshops on model and evolution (www.modse.fr), model (co-)evolution and consistency management become crucial activities to cope with the natural changes of any system. In fact, there is an increasing need for more disciplined techniques and engineering tools to support a wide range of model evolution activities, including model-driven system evolution, model differencing, model comparison, model refactoring, model inconsistency management, model versioning and merging, and (co-)evolution of models.
As part of this project, the LISE want especially to consider model evolution management under both next perspectives:
- The first issue is to enable modelers to manage the evolution of their models. They should be able to follow the changes that have been made within a model by providing as for example “track changes” mode in the modeling environment.
- The second issue concerns the problem of model versioning. The users need here to manage and use multiple versions of their models in a collaborative way.


Département Ingénierie Logiciels et Systèmes (LIST)
Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués
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