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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Modeling of the spent fuel alteration mechanisms in a water-saturated environment with temperature effect

Modeling of the spent fuel alteration mechanisms in a water-saturated environment with temperature effect

Condensed matter physics, chemistry & nanosciences Earth and environmental sciences Environment and pollution Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materials


Modeling the alteration of spent nuclear fuel in the eventuality of an underwater interim storage in pools or a deep geologic disposal is essential for long-term prediction. In the event of a failed spent fuel assembly, corrosion processes can lead to a deterioration of the failed rod and to a radionuclide release into water. A geochemical model coupling chemistry to transport (reactive transport) was the subject of first developments in connection with deep geological disposal conditions using the CHESS-HYTEC code developed by the Ecole des Mines de Paris. This model makes it possible to take into account the main alteration mechanisms and associated kinetics while relying on robust thermodynamic data. It remains important to pursue these developments by studying the effect of temperature between 20 and 70 °C. Adapting this model to other alteration conditions like an underwater of spent fuel in dedicated pools for several decades is also a short-term objective.


Département de recherche sur les technologies pour l’enrichissement, le démantèlement et les déchets
Service d’études de vitrification et procédés hautes températures
Laboratoire d’études des matériaux et procédés actifs
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