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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   New reference radiation field for radioprotection in the range of Cs-137 et Co-60 using an electrostatic electron accelerator

New reference radiation field for radioprotection in the range of Cs-137 et Co-60 using an electrostatic electron accelerator

Engineering sciences Metrology


During the last years, LNHB has started and realized a research program in order to produce a reference photon radiation field for the radioprotection needs at high energies (~6 MeV) using its medical electron accelerator Saturne 43. For this purpose, a target and its appropriate flattering-attenuating filter have been designed by LNHB in order to produce the required photon field.

Nowadays there is no existing device able to produce radiation fields from an accelerator in the Cs-137 and Co-60 equivalent energy range. In order to achieve this, one needs the technology to construct and properly use absolute dosemeters for photons (cavity ionization chambers), to determine the right target-filter assembly allowing the production of the required photon field and to accurately calculate the conversion factors from air-kerma to operational quantity which is the dose-equivalent using the spectral distribution at the calibration position.

The candidate will participate in the construction of cavity ionization chambers needed for the characterization in terms of dose-equivalent of radiation field obtained from the electron accelerator and to the on-site measurements. He(She) will also be in charge with Monte-Carlo simulations in order to optimize the target-filter assembly used to produce the reference photon field from an electrostatic accelerator.


Département Métrologie Instrumentation et Information (LIST)
Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel (LIST)
Laboratoire de Métrologie de la Dose
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