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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Physisorption of chemical species on sensitive surfaces during transfer in controlled mini-environment in microelectronics industry

Physisorption of chemical species on sensitive surfaces during transfer in controlled mini-environment in microelectronics industry

Condensed matter physics, chemistry & nanosciences Engineering sciences Materials and applications Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materials


A characterization platform based on the connection concept between process and characterization tools through the use of a transfer box under vacuum was implemented allowing a quasi in-situ characterization of substrates (wafers) of the microelectronics. Currently, this transfer concept based simply on static vacuum inside a carrier box is satisfactory regarding the residual O or C on the surface of especially sensitive materials (Ge, Ta, Sb, Ti…) and the MOCVD layers growth on GST or III/V surfaces. Its optimization for more stringent applications (molecular bonding, epitaxy…) in terms of contamination surface prevention requires studies the understanding of the physico-chemical evolution of the surfaces.
The proposed work will be focused on physico chemical studies of the evolution and molecular contamination of surfaces during transfers and will take place in clean room. XPS, TD-GCMS and MS coupled to the carrier itself (to be implemented) will be used to address the sources (wall, seals, gaseous environment…) of the adsorbed chemical species implied and to determine the physisorption mechanisms on the substrates. The studied surfaces will be sensitive to the contaminants in such a way than the box environment impact will be extracted and studied parameters will be the nature of polymer seal used, the carrier box thermal conditioning, the vacuum level, the use of low pressure gaseous environment in the carrier (gas nature, pressure level…).


Département des Plateformes Technologiques (LETI)
Service des procédés de Surfaces et Interfaces
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