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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Synthesis of inorganic monoliths functionalized with nanoparticles

Synthesis of inorganic monoliths functionalized with nanoparticles

Condensed matter physics, chemistry & nanosciences Soft matter and complex fluids Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materials


Since 2008, the "Institut de Chimie Separative de Marcoule" (ICSM) and specifically the "Laboratoire des Nanomateriaux pour l’Energie et le Recyclage" (LNER) has developped specific skills in synthesis routes and studies of porous materials (BET, TEM, SEM, SAXS).
This post-doctoral position is devoted to the synthesis of inorganic monoliths using high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) as soft template, and particularly to the functionalization of these materials with nanoparticles (NP).
The use of an emulsion in the procedure allows to consider innovative ways of functionalizing the material. For example, the oil-water interface in the emulsion may be the site of adsorption of nanoparticles of interest for a given application. In our case the goal is to prepare an emulsion with high internal phase (> 50% vol) stabilized by both surfactants (required for mesoporosity) and NP of interest to functionalize the macroporosity. NPs are chosen to cover liquid effluent decontamination (zeolite, nonatitanate, clathrate)


Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule (DES)
Nanomatériaux auto-réparants
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