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Home   /   Post Doctorat   /   Ultra Low Power RF Communication Circuit and System Design for Wake-Up Radio

Ultra Low Power RF Communication Circuit and System Design for Wake-Up Radio

Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics Engineering sciences Mathematics - Numerical analysis - Simulation


Today, there is a strong demand in developing new autonomous Wake-Up radio systems with tunable performances and independent clocking system. The objectives of the proposed contract it to exploit the capacity of CMOS FD-SOI technologies to develop such devices, improving power consumption and RF performance above the state of the art, thanks to the natural low parasitic and tuning capacity through back biasing of the FD-SOI . A particular attention will be paid to the development of a new power efficient, fast settling, frequency synthesis system.
The chosen candidate will be involved both in RF system and circuit design, with the support of the experienced RF System & Design team.


Département Systèmes (LETI)
Service Technologies Sans Fils
Laboratoire Architectures Intégrées Radiofréquences
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