First, the post-doc candidate will have to integrate the solver Library Alien into Helix to carry out performance and usability assessments in iterative or direct solver configuration. These assessments will be done on different computer architecture from desktop computer to national supercomputer with thousands of cores.
In a second time, the candidate will deal with the possibility to add new functionalities in the Alien library to solve non-linear systems composed with equations and inequations to be able to solve, in an HPC context, mechanical problems like phase field problem or contact problems, problems often still opened in the community. The results will be compared to the classical test cases and benchmarks of the state of the art in the domain.
The candidate will join the Helix development team, formed by 3/4 developers for the moment in the laboratory LM2S (15 persons). A transversal program between CEA directions finances the post-doc and the candidate will collaborate with the Alien library developers at the DAM of CEA.