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Home   /   Thesis   /   Alteration mechanisms study of MOX spent fuel in the presence of cimentious bentonitic material (MREA). Experimental and modeling approaches

Alteration mechanisms study of MOX spent fuel in the presence of cimentious bentonitic material (MREA). Experimental and modeling approaches

Earth and environmental sciences Engineering sciences Environment and pollution Materials and applications


In France, the reference way remains the reprocessing of spent fuel and the recovery of certain materials such as uranium and plutonium through the elaboration of MOX fuels and its recycling. However, the direct storage of fuels (UOX and MOX) in deep geological repository is also being studied in order to ensure that French storage concepts (Cigéo) are suitable for spent fuels as requested and included in the National Plan for the Management of Radioactive Materials and Waste (PNGMDR). Therefore, it is essential to study the alteration mechanisms of the spent fuel matrices in the presence of environmental materials that are similar, on a laboratory scale, to the current storage concept of radioactive waste in deep geological disposal: HA cells dug in the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) clay whose low-alloy steel liner is isolated from the clay by a cimentious bentonitic grout called MREA. There is various objectives : on the one hand, to determine the impact of the environment on the alteration mechanisms of the fuel matrix as well as on the radionuclides release, and on the other hand, to develop a geochemical model to account for the main physicochemical processes involved. These studies are carried out at the ATALANTE facility (DHA) of the CEA Marcoule, where leaching experiments and characterizations of MOX fuels are achievable. This work is performed as part of the COSTO project and is supported by Andra and EDF.


Département de recherche sur les Procédés et Matériaux pour les Environnements complexes
Service d’Etudes des Matériaux et de l’Etanchéité
Laboratoire d’études des Matériaux et Procédés Actifs
Paris Sciences et Lettres
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