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Home   /   Thesis   /   Complex 3D structuring based on DNA origami

Complex 3D structuring based on DNA origami

Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics Engineering sciences Materials and applications Technological challenges


The rapid evolution of new technologies, such as autonomous cars and renewable energy, requires the development of increasingly complex structures. To achieve this, many surface patterning techniques are available today. In microelectronics, optical lithography is the standard method for creating micro- and nanometric patterns. However, it remains limited in terms of the diversity of shapes it can produce.
In recent years, a promising approach has been developed within the laboratories of CBS (INSERM in Montpellier) and the CEA Leti (Grenoble): DNA origami assembly. This technology exploits the self-assembly properties of the DNA origami polymer chain. The assembly of nanometric DNA origami ultimately forms micrometric structures. The aim of this PhD is to explore new perspectives by combining 2D and 3D origami to create novel structures. These patterns could be of great interest for applications in fields such as optics or energy.


Département des Plateformes Technologiques (LETI)
Service des procédés de Patterning
Université Grenoble Alpes
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